Cloud Vendor Business Migration Safety Security Solutions Expert Guide Launched

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A resource for cloud service vendor security has recently been launched by inSOC. The online security firm aims to equip companies with ideal tools to vet cloud vendors for maximum data security.

inSOC has launched a security solutions resource for businesses. The resource provides businesses with the tools needed to vet cloud storage vendors for maximum data security. It also highlights the risks attached to operating business functions through the cloud and hopes to provide solutions to these issues.

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The newly launched security strategy provides information to businesses that have migrated their services to an online space. It shows how the pandemic has affected online data security protocols and hopes to help business owners identify flaws in data security systems.

inSOC highlights that many businesses are looking to rent cloud space from specific vendors. Their new security plan provides tools that business owners can use to vet a cloud service provider before signing any agreements.

They also show that the increased use of cloud space exposes customers to cyber attacks. These attacks commonly appear as phishing emails and can compromise the financial information of customers and businesses alike. Additionally, several trusted cloud space vendors that have suffered from data breaches in 2020 are identified as examples.

CIO of inSOC Jeff Gulick explained that hackers are seeking to feed the public with misinformation to cause civil and political unrest. He also explained, “ They also want to be able to send emails to your customers and tell them you need to send your invoices to this new bank account in Switzerland or an internal employee saying ‘Hey HR, I need you to send me all of the Social Security numbers of all of our employees.’” inSOC proposes preventative measures that businesses can implement.

inSOC’s new plan proposes a five-step method to vet cloud service providers. The steps involve assessing a provider’s Policies, Encryption, Location and Redundancies, Data Availability and Usage, and Tenure. When executed, these steps intend to allow business owners to find a secure working environment.

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inSOC explains that vetting a cloud service vendor is similar to choosing an appropriate bank or HVAC contractor. They seek to provide the ideal steps to help businesses keep their data protected.

Interested parties can click on the links above for more details.