7 Email Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business

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(Newswire.net— June 2, 2021) — According to a recent study, 65% of your customers are checking their email at least 3 times a day. 

This offers a substantial chance for your business to make an impact. Unfortunately, the vast majority of promotional emails are never even opened. 

Of course, sending out emails is only worth the time and effort you invest if customers are not only opening but reading and clicking through to your content. So how can you crack this perfect advertising platform and actually see success?

Follow along to discover seven of our favorite email marketing tips to up your email game and land yourself in the inbox of ready-to-buy consumers. 

1. Create Killer Subject Lines

The first and most important part of your email marketing campaign is your subject line. This is the first thing customers will see when your email hits their inbox and will help them determine whether to open it up or send it to the trash bin.

Your subject line should be attention-grabbing but never stray readers from what you’ll actually provide. This means no misleading click-bate allowed. This underhanded technique may boost your open rate temporarily, but is unlikely to contribute to conversions and may even earn you an ‘unsubscribe’. 

Some effective email marketing examples of great subject lines include:

  • Short and simple phrases
  • Humour for stand-out impact
  • Controversial or shocking statements to perk curiosity
  • Personalization
  • Questions to draw interest

Experiment to discover which subject line technique works best for your brand and switch it up often to avoid getting stale. 

2. Make It Personal

Let’s face it, as humans, we love the sound of our own name. This is why emails with the receiver’s name boldly placed in the subject line and throughout the email are more likely to be opened and read. 

When an email with your name pops into your inbox, you automatically assume that that email has been written just for you. Now, of course, we know that’s likely not the case, but the human mind’s peaked interest simply cannot help but ‘check’. 

Another clever way to personalize emails is to break your campaign into stages of the sales funnel. By tracking where your customer last left off, you can deliver automated messages that are customized just for them. 

For example, if a customer added items to their cart but didn’t quite make it to the payment page, an email with a special discount code is the perfect personal touch to encourage the completion of that sale!

3. Keep It Short

There’s nothing worse than opening up an email and discovering an endless wall of text.

If you’re guilty of rambling on about promotions and upcoming events for pages on end, we’ve got some tough news for you: No one is reading it. 

Instead of bombarding your customers with lengthy text, change up your format to include short sentences and easy-to-digest paragraphs that are no longer than three lines. Draw their eye through with compelling visuals such as well-placed photographs or make it fun and light with clever GIFs. 

4. Ace Your CTAs

The number one rule of marketing emails is to never expect results you didn’t ask for. Customers don’t know what you want them to do, so you need to tell them if you want to see results. 

This ‘tell them’ technique is called a call to action (CTA), and your email should never be sent without a really good one. 

Place your CTA strategically and try to make it as natural as possible. Rather than saying ‘buy now,’ lead them to your products and services with clever anchor text and intriguing hooks. Your CTA should be visible, but it doesn’t need to be a massive red button. 

Instead, lead them where you want them to go with contextual, clear CTAs, and let the magic happen. 

5. Perfect Your Preview Text

The preview text is the small snippet of an email your customers see before they actually open it up. This preview is your chance to draw them in and make your email irresistible.

In essence, this section is an extension of your subject line and should be used as if your business depends on it. 

Take the time to make the first part of your email attention-grabbing and relatable so that customers simply HAVE to know what solution you’ll offer for their now pressing problem. 

6. Go Mobile-Friendly

Your mobile-friendly technique should go far beyond your social media marketing. With the vast majority of customers navigating the net through their mobile screens, it’s more important than ever for your email marketing campaign to be small-screen-ready. 

To do this, adjust your email marketing strategy to include short, easy-to-read sentences that look as good on a phone as they do on a desktop. Avoid using large image formats, and choose templates that are optimized for a mobile screen. 

This will ensure every customer has a great experience with your emails and encourages better future open rates. 

7. Use Email Marketing Services

Not getting the results you want? Consider letting your email automation software do the hard work for you. Many email marketing tools are set up with everything you need to create compelling emails that are sure to succeed. 

From inserting receiver’s names to using pre-made templates, email marketing services take the guesswork out of the technical stuff so you can focus on writing better quality emails. Beyond this, platforms like ConvertKit allow you to track the performance of your email marketing campaign and use this data to improve future campaigns. 

Shop around to find the best platform for your needs and utilize the features and insights to smash your email goals. 

Email Marketing Tips for 2021

Now that you know these must-have email marketing tips, you can start crafting emails that make an impact. From optimizing your subject lines to automating your campaign, we’re confident you’ll love the results you see with these seven fail-proof tips. 

Want more marketing tips and tricks to grow your business? Check out our other articles for everything you need to know to see success in 2021.