The Future Is Bright: How Wood Floors Are Making Sustainable Living Possible

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( — June 7, 2021) — Wooden flooring is an investment in the future. It’s a decision to care for our planet and do what we can to leave it better than how we found it. Wood floors are durable, sustainable, and with the right maintenance, they will last for many decades. The installation of wooden floors not only provides you with a beautiful space but also offers a way to protect your home from moisture damage caused by flooding or other household disasters.

Why are wooden floors sustainable?

Wooden flooring is an investment in the future. It’s a decision to care for our planet and do what we can to leave it better than how we found it. Wood floors are durable, sustainable, and with the right maintenance, they will last for many decades. The installation of wooden floors not only provides you with a beautiful space but also offers a way to protect your home from moisture damage caused by flooding or other household disasters.

  • Wooden flooring does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), unlike carpet, which emits up to 12x more VOCs when wetted – All wood used today meets PEFC certification standards meaning that all forests harvested have undergone strict environmental controls – The manufacturing process saves natural resources and releases significantly fewer emissions.
  • Wood floors are warm underfoot, soft to the touch, and sound muffled footsteps which is ideal for homes with children or pets – The natural color of wood creates a soothing atmosphere that promotes relaxation
  • Wooden flooring provides superior protection against allergies than carpets due to lack of allergens – dust mites in wooden floorings emit fewer allergen proteins than carpet fibers do


Wood flooring is not just an investment for the future, it’s also one of many steps we can take today that will help with sustainable living. It emits fewer VOCs than carpets which means cleaner air for us all. The natural color creates a soothing atmosphere that brings about feelings of peace and relaxation, perfect for homes filled with children or pets where accidents happen more often.

Wooden floorings are easy to maintain as they require little in terms of upkeep (just sweeping) while providing superior protection against allergies due to the lack of allergens found within wooden floors compared to carpet fibers. Furthermore, wood flooring provides a safe environment, so kids can confidently enjoy their playtime without risking injury from rough fibers or sharp corners.

Wood flooring is produced using a process called engineered wood that makes it possible to have low-maintenance floors with the texture and feel of natural material while ensuring safety, durability, stability, and quality for many years. This means you can enjoy beautiful wooden floors in your home today, knowing they are an essential step towards sustainable living tomorrow!

Wood flooring is a step towards sustainable living. By choosing wooden flooring, you are increasing the quality of your home today while making sure that there will be healthy and safe environments for many years to come. With engineered wood production processes, it’s possible to have beautiful floors with low-maintenance needs, all while providing safety and stability.