The Downfall of the Daily Commute: 6 Ways to Ease Employee Commuting Stress

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( — June 25, 2021) — If your blood boils when you run into a freeway traffic jam and you can’t stand the thought of wasting several minutes to an hour a day on the road, your employees probably feel the same way. While commuting can offer time to jam out to your favorite radio station or ponder the day’s thoughts during some much-needed alone time, sometimes, there aren’t enough murder-mystery podcasts in the world to make your employees want to commute. 

Relaxed employees are productive employees. As such, it’s in your best interest as an employer to help your employees hit the commuting reset button and check out these ways to ease employee commuting stress. 

Consider transitioning to a fully remote model

From reducing engagement with office politics and workplace drama to removing in-office distractions and heart-rate-raising rush-hour drives, it’s no secret that a flexible and remote work environment offers significant mental health benefits. That said, it’s time to consider adopting a fully remote model. 

If you’re nervous about putting your reputation in jeopardy during your transition to a fully remote model, consider visiting and investing in a virtual address. That way you can capitalize on the work-life-balance-promoting benefits of a WFH structure, without sacrificing your glowing reputation in the process. By utilizing a virtual address, you can also stop lurking porch pirates in their tracks and establish a presence in cities across the nation—rather than relying on a traditional PO box that can detonate a branding bomb. 

Setting up a fully remote structure, complete with a virtual address, will not only ease commute-induced stress but will also help you cut down on overhead costs.

Switch up the structure of your workweek

While a long twice-per-day commute that must occur five days a week may feel like too much for some employees, pulling off a drive three or four days a week can feel more manageable. Offer employees with long commutes the option to work from home one or two days a week or consider condensing the workweek altogether by moving to a 4-day workweek consisting of longer days. 

Offer commuter benefits

If it’s the long solo drive that’s driving your employees crazy, consider offering commuter benefits that will make their commute more comfortable. Public transportation reimbursement may incentivize your employees to take the bus or train, which will allow them to work or relax during the ride and will help them save money on gasoline. Rideshare options like Lyft Line or Uber Pool can help you get multiple employees to work simultaneously. All the while, you’ll be saving your workers time, money, and effort. 

Utilize creative benefits

For some, an arduous commute can become worthwhile if adequately incentivized. Consider implementing a commuter benefit structure that offers employees prizes and treats in exchange for their willingness to commute. You can even offer benefits that will help make their commutes more enjoyable, such as memberships to music or media streaming services, online class passes, and more. 

Help to relocate employees who live far away from the office

If you’ve locked in your dream hire, but they live a ways away from the office, consider offering to support them in a relocation process. Many companies successfully provide relocating employees with stipends to help cover moving costs or extra PTO to take care of moving-related tasks. 

Encourage active commuting

While traffic-ridden, time-wasting drives can create stress and exhaustion in your employees, an invigorating morning bike ride or pleasant evening stroll will do quite the opposite. By relocating to a walkable neighborhood, crediting your employees with office hours during active commutes, or providing stipends that will help employees gain access to bicycles or running shoes, you’ll be doing your workers and the environment a massive favor.

In conclusion

Since long and stressful commutes have been proven to be taxing on employees’ mental and physical health, it’s time to ditch the classic miserable commute and opt for an updated, pleasant one. Once you make an effort to keep your top-talent feeling happy and healthy, you’ll be glad you did.