How TechAhead is Breaking the Barrier in Mobile App Development EcoSystem

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( — August 16, 2021) —

The definition of success is stranger than fiction. In my humble view, success is a synonym of excitement, passion, and an inherent, inseparable desire to break the barriers, set new benchmarks, and create a brave new world impacting and empowering millions of lives. In this image above, there are some of the biggest, most powerful global brands that have chosen us, TechAhead, for developing, optimizing, and launching their mobile and digital platforms. And there is a strong reason why this happened: We are breaking the barriers of the mobile app development ecosystem with some stunning, exciting work that created ripples across the world. And this happened because we are excited, we are passionate, and we have a burning desire to do the impossible. This is how our story of success was scripted by us, from scratch.
This Is How We Launched Ourselves.

We started off 11 years ago when we launched our mobile app development company by opening our first office in Noida, India. We were a bunch of digitally native, seasoned tech veterans, having decades of experience in mobile and digital environments. We were trusted by some major organizations from the Middle East and Europe, who were not only delighted by our fascinating mobile app development work, but also in awe of our sharp business acumen, and market analysis.

Very soon, we realized that for scaling fast and to grow exponentially, we need to head West, where our demand was increasing at a steady pace and was approached by some of the biggest brands from the lifestyle and entertainment industry.

We opened our second office in Los Angeles, USA, and that was the game-changer moment for us.

TechAhead’s Superpowers: Coding, Designing & Creativity

Unlike other offshore companies in the app development space, we have a balanced, focused, and targeted approach towards talent optimization and resource allocation for our projects.

Our Los Angeles team has some of the most flamboyant designers, UX and UI experts who have a deep passion for conceptualizing the purely human-centric design, understanding the pain points of the target audience, and delighting them with a stunning users experience.
At the same time, our Noida team has talented programmers and business analysts with a sharp focus on delivering cutting-edge solutions using the most advanced and productive technology stacks. This team just doesn’t believe in thinking out of the box, but breaking the box, and the barrier in innovation and creativity.

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We are a leading iOS App Development Company that have successfully delivered projects wherein Internet of Things and Machine Learning was deployed to produce never-seen-before results; we have partnered with the world’s 2nd biggest sports federation to re-invent a 500-year-old game; we have worked with Emmy-award winning team to design a unique gaming platform that matched their intensity and vision.

And this is just the start!

The Reason Behind Our Incredible Success: Our Perseverance & Our Passion

We never give up.

No matter how hard and tough the expectations are from our clients, how complicated the equations are, how difficult the situation or the budget.

We just refuse to allow negativity to engulf us, and we reject the notion of giving up.

Yes, we have failed. I admit, we have embraced failure with grace, and scooped out the wisdom from that failure, got up, shrugged off the dirt, and pulled our sleeves to give another try, and then another, and another until we embraced success.

Our passion for digital and mobile is the fuel that nurtures our perseverance, empowers us to delight our clients day after day, month after month, year after year.