NJ Customer Engagement Software Insurance Website – Direct Messaging Launched

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New Jersey-based CME Online Sales has launched multi-channel engagement software that allows insurance companies to easily communicate with visitors to their website.

The company’s recently launched engagement software has been shown to improve the browsing experience of customers and improve conversion rates. It allows customers to easily contact a business through various methods, including phone calls or text messages.

For more information, please visit https://www.cmeonlinesalesllc.io

With the new software, companies will reduce their number of missed calls and make sure that e-mails from customers are not missed in overflowing inboxes. The software allows customers to use short, direct messages for many of their questions, instead of waiting on the phone.

Modern customers are used to having their questions answered directly, without waiting on hold, or for an e-mail response. Direct messages are often faster and have become the preferred method of communication for many clients. Giving customers the option to choose their method of contacting a business will increase the likelihood of conversions.

CME Online Sales has released a complimentary e-book about how companies in the insurance industry can provide faster, more responsive communication. It contains complete guides to setting up click-to-call software and other popular solutions for improving customer service. To access the full e-book at no charge please visit https://cmedigitalmessaging.com/insurance-insdustry-ebook

The engagement software uses artificial intelligence to find the ideal time for suggesting clients contact a business, including real-time exit monitoring. When a potential customer triggers the software, a widget in the corner of the page will pop up and offer various methods that they can use to contact the business. This can include instant callback requests, two-way texting, or 24/7 call scheduling.

Instant callback requests will call the company’s front desk or customer service and ask them to claim the call by pressing a button. The process takes less than 14 seconds to connect customers with service staff. The direct messaging option is accessible through an online dashboard that allows a company to respond immediately from the office or on a mobile device.

A satisfied client said, “A simple widget that truly enhances a website visitors experience. A great tool that every website owner should have. Highly recommend.”

To see a full list of available features, please visit https://cmedigitalmessaging.com