(Newswire.net — October 28, 2021) Orlando, FL — Health authorities have long been warning against excessive salt intake, which is associated with a myriad of undesirable health effects. This is why more and more experts are looking for ways to help consumers consume delicious food without consuming too much salt.
A study was carried out and published in the Journal of Food Science.
In this study, which was carried out by the Washington State University researchers, it has been found that there is a way to make food taste salty without using too much sodium chloride.
According to Carolyn Ross, a Food Science professor at WSU, it is a stealth approach, not like buying the ‘reduced salt’ option, which people generally don’t like.
“If we can stair-step people down, then we increase health while still making food that people want to eat,” she adds.
In this research, the investigators looked into salt blends that are equipped with less sodium chloride. Further, it is worth noting that it includes salts like calcium chloride and potassium chloride.
It is worth noting that salts do not have adverse health effects on people. While potassium can aid in lessening blood pressure, it is also true that it isn’t very tasty.
“Potassium chloride, especially, tastes really bitter and people really don’t like it,” Ross said.
The investigators utilized tasting panels and WSU’s electronic tongue to determine just how much they could add of the replacement salts for standard sodium chloride before people found the food unacceptable to eat.
Tasting panels tested various salt solutions or salt in water and others also tested different salt combinations in tomato soup.
Through the use of e-tongue and panels, they found that a certain blend was the ideal reduction. This blend is approximately 96.4 percent sodium chloride with 1.6 percent potassium chloride and 2 percent calcium chloride.
Salt intake is undeniably a threat to blood pressure health, and this is why it is best to lessen it. It is also important to note that some other kitchen ingredients are rather beneficial than harmful for blood pressure levels.
These include the medicinal mushroom called lion’s mane, which has long been found to have disease-fighting benefits.
It is worth mentioning it has neuroprotective, cardiovascular-health enhancing, anti-inflammatory, cognitive-decline-fighting, nerve repairing, blood-pressure-lowering, immunity-boosting, cholesterol-regulating, and weight management properties.
To benefit from its use, it is wise to take into account the use of formulas like Divine Bounty Lion’s Mane. (amazon.com/Organic-Lions-Mane-Mushroom-Capsules/dp/B07LGR1KN7).
About Divine Bounty
Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at http://www.DivineBounty.com.
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