Experts Now Warn Against the Link Between Migraines and Heart Health Troubles

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( — November 3, 2021) Orlando, FL — More and more research studies are looking into the various aspects of heart health, especially in identifying the ways to combat heart disease. 

As the rates of this health issue continue to soar, more and more experts are strongly recommending identifying its symptoms to address it on time. One of these symptoms is regular migraines, which may actually also be caused by other health issues.  

However, a study carried out by researchers from Denmark has shown that those with migraines are more susceptible to having cardiovascular health issues.

Scientists say these headaches were correlated with the increased likelihood of some heart health issues, which include stroke, a heart attack, atrial fibrillation (a type of irregular heart rhythm), and blood clots that start in the veins. 

This study, which findings were published in The BMJ journal, is not the first to find a link between migraines and heart health issues. 

This study was spearheaded by Dr. Kasper Adelborg, a cardiologist at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark.

It is worth noting that in previous studies, researchers also found an association between migraines and the odds of stroke and heart attack, especially among women. More studies are still being carried out to learn about the many symptoms of heart disease and how this condition can be effectively prevented.

Natural therapeutic compounds like curcumin are highly recommended due to their heart health benefits. 

Curcumin is popularized by the number of strong disease-fighting properties it contains. In some studies, it has exhibited its anti-inflammatory benefits. Experts say this is beneficial considering that research has linked inflammation with heart health issues. 

There are many research studies featuring the heart health effects of this remedy. It has shown its impressive potentials in preventing atherosclerosis and heart attack. This therapeutic compound may also benefit immune system health. 

To take advantage of its healing goodness, it is wise to consider formulas like Divine Bounty Curcumin. Curcumin can actually be obtained by using turmeric in food and beverages. However, it is worth noting that obtaining it via supplementation is an easier and much effective option.

Divine Bounty Curcumin contains black pepper, which is a bioavailability-enhancing ingredient. It is worth noting this formula is gaining more and more positive reviews from consumers. What makes it all the more beneficial is that it is highly potent and pure, which makes it all the more superior than other brands.

On top of these, this formula also comes with a customer satisfaction guarantee (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

Divine Bounty

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