Does House Insurance Cover Forest Fires?

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( — November 6, 2021) —

When you get a homeowner’s insurance policy, the standard coverage will protect you in case the structure or your belongings are damaged.

However, it can also cover you in cases of personal liability — when somebody gets hurt inside your home. Even though all of this is important, if you live in a place that is prone to wildfires, you might be wondering, does house insurance cover forest fires?

The first thing you should know in this regard is that the standard homeowner’s policy covers you in case of a fire. But, there are special conditions in which the insurance policy won’t apply. That’s why it is crucial to ask your insurance agent the limits of your protections, and which situations are excluded. To help you out below, we will explain when you can file a claim for fire damage. 

Standard Coverage for Fire Damage

If you want to know if you have house insurance for forest fires, you should read the conditions of your policy. However, in case you cannot find them, here is a shortlist of the fires that are covered. Keep in mind that most of the time, the insurance company will be willing to issue a payout if the fire was sudden. If another cause ignited the fire, your claim may be denied.

  1. Fireplace hazard

All insurance companies understand that having a fireplace at home is a potential risk that could ignite a fire at any time. That does not mean you can’t have a chimney, you just have to be careful. In case it was an accident, the insurance policy will cover it. But if the adjuster finds that it was due to lack of maintenance, you will have to cover the costs. 

  1. Sudden fires

This type of coverage includes fires that start suddenly; for example, a lit candle or an electrical malfunction. Keep in mind that the same rule above applies. If this fire is caused by tear and wear, the insurance won’t give you any money. Plus, in the case that the fire is intentional, you won’t be reimbursed for any damage to your property or personal belongings.

  1. Forest fires

In case you are wondering, does house insurance cover forest fires, the answer is yes. A typical homeowner’s insurance policy will cover you in this case, but that depends on where you live. For instance, if you live in a high-risk area, such as California, it might be difficult to get proper coverage since it is an area prone to wildfires. If you can get a provider, their limits might not be enough to cover the possible damage of a fire. That’s why below we will tell you how to get an ideal policy that provides more protection.

If you are a renter, you should keep in mind that your landlord’s policy won’t be able to cover you in case of a forest fire. You will have to get tenant’s insurance. Even though there are different providers in the market, our favourite one is Surex. To learn more about their insurance packages, visit this link

What does homeowner’s insurance cover for forest fires?

For any homeowner that has any doubts regarding their coverage for this peril, it is better to call an expert, and ask if you have house insurance for a forest fire. In case this is included in your policy, then there are different types of protection you will be able to access. 

  • Dwelling coverage

This is the type of protection that will cover the cost of any repairs that your property needs. Here it will also include any attached structures for your house, such as a garage. Since dwelling coverage is what you will use to rebuild your home, it is vital to choose the perfect limit. That’s why it is important to calculate how much it will take to reconstruct everything from scratch. When you are doing this, don’t forget to consider any labour costs.

Remember that in case a wildfire destroys all the properties in the area you are living in, the labour costs will go up due to the high demand. To prepare for this situation, you can get an endorsement. With it, you will be able to extend the coverage of your policy 

  • Personal property coverage

This will protect all your belongings including clothes, furniture and some electronics. In case you have unique items in your house, such as pieces of art or jewelry, you might need to get an add-on. To make sure the personal property coverage is enough, remember to make a list of all your items and calculate how much it will cost to replace them.

  • Additional living expenses

If the forest fire destroys your home, you won’t be able to stay there while it is getting repaired. That means you will have to rent a place or stay at a hotel. Luckily, this is also covered under the standard homeowner’s insurance policy. 

Then, does home insurance cover forest fires? Yes, and depending on the policy you purchase, you will have different types of protection. Remember that you can change the limits of the insurance to make sure it covers you in case of peril.

Where to get forest fire coverage

As we explained above, there are some instances in which homeowners won’t be able to get a proper policy. This usually happens if they live in a risk area where a natural disaster is most likely to happen. If that is your case, there is no need to worry. There are several things you can do to protect your property, such as installing nonflammable gates. Also, in the market, some companies specialize in offering protection for these properties.

One thing to keep in mind is that these providers would offer expensive insurance packages, due to the risk level of your property. Even though this could increase your monthly expenses in the long run, it will be worth it. This situation can also happen for homeowners that live in places where earthquakes or floods are very common. 

House insurance forest fire coverage: what have you learned?

So, does insurance cover forest fires? Yes, it does.

But as you now know, there are several factors that you need to keep in mind. If you still have questions, reach out to your insurance provider.