Cranberry Compounds Show Potential As Antibiotic Alternative

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( — December 9, 2021) Orlando, FL — Experts have long been warning that every year, UTIs affect eight million people – mostly infants, women, and the elderly. Further, such an infection leads to $1.6 billion in health care costs. 

Today, researchers are increasingly carrying out studies to look into the impacts of all-natural remedies for urinary tract infections. Antibiotics are a primary treatment for the infection, but their misuse has led to antibiotic resistance, which is an alarming global health problem.

A study, which was carried out by scientists at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), has particularly revealed that cranberry contains UTI-fighting compounds.  

It could be an alternative to antibiotics in battling with the E.coli bacteria, which have been found to be resistant to conventional treatment. The researchers have particularly found that these compounds have the ability to alter E.coli bacteria in such a way that it renders them unable to trigger an infection. 

This study was the first to paint a detailed picture of the biochemical mechanisms that may be behind numerous beneficial health impacts of cranberry juice, which have been revealed in other studies in past years. 

The study was carried out by Terri Camesano, associate professor of chemical engineering at WPI, and graduate students Yatao Liu and Paola Pinzon-Arango, and funded, in part, by the National Science Foundation.

It has shown a group of tannins called proanthocyanidins in cranberries impact the E.coli bacteria in three tragic ways, preventing them from triggering an infection. 

According to researchers, they alter the shape of the bacteria from rods to spheres as well as their cell membranes. They also make it hard for bacteria to create contact with cells. A higher concentration of cranberry has been found to produce the most benefits. 

It is also worth noting that another popular component of cranberry is D-mannose, which is best known for its UTI-fighting benefits. 

In some studies, it has been found that this remedy alone helped ward off recurrent UTIs. It is also being used widely as a safer alternative to antibiotics through supplementation.

One supplement is Divine Bounty D-mannose, which is popularized for its superior quality, high potency, and purity. This amazing formula even has added dandelion and cranberry extracts and is made carefully in an FDA-inspected facility in the U.S.

There are many who resort to its use as a safer alternative to antibiotics. It is further worth noting that this supplement is accurately labeled and free from nasty ingredients and contaminants (

About Divine Bounty

Divine Bounty is a family-owned brand that manufactures high-quality turmeric curcumin supplements. Passionate about the potential health benefits of turmeric, the team behind Divine Bounty has carefully researched and sourced only the best ingredients to create the ideal blend of turmeric curcumin. More details are available at

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