Kratom in Arizona: Guide to Choosing the Right Dose

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( — December 26, 2021) —

Kratom is not your regular herb. It is a sedative; it is a stimulator – depending on the strain and the dose. So, you must get the dose right. 

If you are a beginner, start with small, like 2-3 grams. After 20 minutes, if you don’t feel anything, you may take a bit higher dose next time. 

The trick is to have just the right dose. Too little won’t give you the desired effects. Too much can make you “heady.” 

Did you feel nausea after having kratom? Then you took a dose higher than your body’s tolerance. 

Take 10 grams and more and you will vomit definitely. 

Kratom in Arizona is available in varying doses. Choose your pick and take it responsibly.

Dose for beginners

You are a beginner whenever you try a new strain. Always remember the thumb rule: start with small. 

Experts recommend taking this herb on an empty stomach. So, either take it the first thing in the morning or a couple of hours after a meal. Yes, you can take it with food. Many people do, like making smoothies or mixing with yogurt; but then you would need a higher dose. 

Kratom on an empty stomach begins its effect quickly. Well, it’s just like having an alcoholic drink on an empty stomach. You begin to feel it in the head quickly, right?

Here is a step-by-step guide to taking kratom

  • Take 2 or 3 grams of kratom powder such as Gold Vein Kratom Powder with water or kratom capsule with water. Do this on an empty stomach. In Arizona kratom is easily available in various forms. 

  • See how you feel after 45 minutes. If you think you need more, take another 1 gram. 

  • See how you feel after 30 minutes. Usually, this much is enough to feel the effects. 

  • If you still think you need more, take 0.5 grams more. Do not exceed more than 2 grams in one go. 

  • By now, you will begin to feel kratom in you. This is enough to keep you energized for 5 hours or so. 

  • After 5 or more hours, if you want to have more, repeat the above process. Use the same strain in one day. 

If you don’t feel the effects even after taking it repeatedly, then this must be adulterated kratom, not the pure one. Discard the pack. Make sure you always buy your herb from a certified and reputable kratom shop in Arizona

Never start with a big dose, say, more than 3 grams. If you are a male or female weighing less than 150 lbs (68kg), you must begin with a low dose of just 1.5 grams. 

Points to remember while taking kratom 

  • Keep yourselves hydrated. When you take kratom, you must drink a lot of water. 

  • Take kratom on an empty stomach in the beginning. This will give you an idea of what suits you. With food, it is hard to know the exact dose. You can take it with your food later on. 

  • Each strain has a different dose

  • Buy kratom only from a trusted, quality kratom shop near you

Introduce kratom in your life like a pro with this short guide. For more information, visit