How Popular Is the Job of a Truck Driver: Is It Worth Going Into the Profession

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( — December 26, 2021) — Truck driving is one of the most popular professions in America. But despite many employees, there are still not enough of them. There are more and more goods, and it is difficult to find responsible workers. Therefore, there is always a place for a good person in cargo transportation. 

However, this is not an easy job, as it may seem to many. It requires a lot of knowledge, patience, responsibility, and willpower. This article describes the key pros and cons of the profession. This way, you can decide if this lifestyle is proper for you.

Reasons to get a job as a truck driver

  1. Stable and good income

Truck drivers earn from $50,000 to $90,000. The salary depends on the employee himself and whether the fleet is private and on the truck dispatcher company (as you can read on the website). 

  1. The company will teach you everything, the main thing is to be able to drive 

You can have a master’s degree, bachelor’s degree, graduate from college or get a high school diploma; you will still be hired and trained to drive trucks. Just a few weeks, and you can already leave for your first order. 

  1. Guaranteed employment for everyone

You will never be out of work — truck dispatcher companies guarantee this and fulfill their promises. Many drivers have been working for decades and have never seen staff cuts. Just a few conditions: abstinence from drug use and excessive alcohol consumption.  

  1. Benefits for drivers

You get health insurance + dentistry for your whole family from the first day of work. A pension savings plan is also accrued from each salary, and vacations are accrued from each workday. 

Some truck dispatcher companies offer drivers to become owner-operators, as, for example, they do here. 

  1. Love of driving is the key to success 

If you are attracted to the road, cars, long distances, this profession is created for you. It turns out that you do what you love and earn! 

What problems can a truck driver face?

  1. Unhealthy lifestyle 

99% of your time, you will either sit or lie down. This isn’t healthy for the body — a person must be in motion and physical activity. You can solve this by walking while stopping in the parking lot. 

  1. A large amount of stress

Imagine driving an 80,000-pound truck and driving a valuable cargo that could be worth a million dollars. You need to observe the situation on the road constantly. 

  1. Long business trips

If you are a non-family person, then there is no problem. However, you may also miss your home and family. But if you are a family man, it will be difficult. It’s difficult for you because you don’t see the children, and for your wife, because she has to take care of the house and the children.

Summing up, I must say: it is worth being prepared for responsibility, loneliness, and danger. But if you are an experienced driver and executive employee, you will not have any significant problems in this profession. Remember: if they arise, contact the truck dispatcher company, and they will help you with any situation.