The Difference Between Cheap and Expensive Exterior Materials for Your House

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( — April 28, 2022) — Whether you are building a new home or renovating, choosing the right siding is a crucial moment in the process. Many homeowners regret selecting a siding in haste, without proper consideration for the product. Don’t be one of these homeowners.

While there are notable differences between affordable and expensive sidings, price isn’t everything. There is a wide range of factors to consider, including the style of the house and your personal taste. A contractor can help you make the best decision for the future of your dream home.

Guidelines for Selecting Home Exterior Materials

Several factors should be considered when selecting home exterior materials, such as:

  • Style
  • Longevity of the materials
  • Cost of the materials and installation process
  • Purpose of the materials during construction

Exterior materials go hand in hand with other services and installations. Installing doors and windows in Naperville, for example, is a service that a competent company can handle to finish your exterior construction.


The siding of your house will be visible for as long as the house is standing. It is, therefore, essential to evaluate your options and pick the one that is most aesthetically attractive to you.


The longevity of the material, as well as its function, should be carefully considered when selecting the type of siding you want.


This is a significant factor when choosing exterior materials for your house. It would help if you balanced out the price with the durability and quality of the materials.


Different siding options have specific installation processes, which vary in cost and difficulty. Consider the option that best fits your time and cost requirements.

Affordable Siding Options

The market for exterior housing materials has many options which depend largely on the quality, availability, and cost of the material. Cheaper siding options are usually more common. Most of them offer relatively good quality at a pocket-friendly price.

Vinyl Siding

Vinyl is a widely used material for siding. It comes with a wide array of colors and textures, and its low cost of purchase and installation makes it an appealing option for many. This option is very reliable and requires minimal maintenance since all you have to do is power wash it every couple of years.

Vinyl works well in a range of climatic conditions and is a good option for people looking for a material that offers integrated insulation and water-proof qualities.

Aluminum Siding

Aluminum was once the most popular siding material but became overlooked with time since it requires frequent repairs and cleaning. Aluminum is durable but prone to denting, which can be challenging to repair.

The material is known to withstand adverse weather conditions. However, it may become dull when the conditions become too extreme. Installing aluminum is very affordable; even cheaper than installing vinyl.

Costly Siding Options

Other siding options cost more to purchase and install. However, they also have their own merits and demerits.

Brick Siding

This siding is limited when it comes to available options. However, it is a good choice for a buyer who is not willing to spend a lot of money on maintenance as it is very durable.

Bricks are a natural insulator and will save you costs on heating bills. The cost of purchasing and installing bricks is high since it requires paid skilled labor.

Stone Siding

This is one of the costliest types of siding. However, it is also one of the longest-lasting. Colouring options are restricted by nature, but you can choose to use natural stone or artificial stone, which is slightly cheaper. Installing a stone siding will typically set you back thirty-five to forty dollars per square foot, excluding labor costs which are also high.

Stucco Siding

Common types of stucco siding are hybrid, natural, and synthetic, and you also have the option to choose from a wide array of colors. Stucco siding requires low maintenance and is very durable, providing minimal insulation. It can withstand bad weather and is insect–resistant. You will need to hire a professional, and the installation may set you back 15 to 20 dollars per square foot.

Wood Siding

Wood is a premium siding material that comes in many grades depending on the species of trees used. The wood will require more maintenance than other options as it is not as durable in the long run.

Due to its running maintenance cost is comparatively expensive to install, and prices will largely depend on how rare the wood is and its grade.

Recognizing the Best Fit for You

In conclusion, both expensive and cheap exterior materials can be the best fit for you depending on your project needs, budget and requirements. A contractor can help identify the best fit based on your budget and home.

Patricia T. Day

A person smiling at the cameraDescription automatically generated with low confidence

As a home designer, I always offered my clients the best solutions to fully enjoy their living spaces at the most affordable costs. In recent years, I also took an interest in mechanical engineering and landscape architecture. Building or remodeling a home for someone means dealing with a complicated, beautiful puzzle of aesthetics, functionality, comfort, and sustainability. When I don’t help people get the most out of interior and exterior design, I collaborate with various online outlets discussing home sustainability, green remodeling, durability, curb appeal upgrades, modern solutions to conserving energy, and, of course, comfort and beauty.