4 Tricks for Keeping an Attic Space Free of Mice and Rodents

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(Newswire.net — December 14, 2022) — Mice and rodents are a menace. The furry, scurrying things that dart in and out of walls at night, collect on your clothes, or gnaw holes through the beams can quickly take over an attic space if left unchecked. But some simple tricks can help you keep these common pests out.

1. Eliminate Protection

The first step is removing any protection that the rodents may have found. Mice can squeeze through a hole the size of a pencil and will quickly find a new route to their goal. Under your eaves, in walls, or in floor-to-ceiling gaps between ceiling panels, look for these holes. The mice may have found a way to enter your home. If you don’t have time to worry about pest control or want to avoid dealing with dead mice after the fact, there’s always the option of hiring a professional pest control company.

2. Clean It Up

Once you’ve found the entry points, look for crumbs and droppings around doors and windows where food is stored and in any nooks or crannies around the entrances. If you see dryer lint blowing out of the dryer vents in your home, mice have been there recently. Mice like warm places because they stay warm longer than cold ones; you can help them stay warm by changing the dryer sheets often. To prevent mice from entering, clean up any spills immediately and thoroughly. Once your attic is properly cleaned, you can bring in a professional company to properly sanitize the attic space.

3. Fill the Gaps

After you’ve removed all the holes that could provide access for rodents, fill the cracks and gaps left. These are typically found around pipes, vents, and recessed lights. Pay special attention to any opening that is wider than a ¼ inch. You may use rubber foam or caulk rather than something thicker like concrete filler or plaster to avoid blocking any necessary airflow to your home. This condition can quickly become a breeding ground for mice and other pests.

4. Keep Out of Attics Where You Can’t See

If you’re not going to be able to see the attic space from your basement or another part of your home, it’s almost impossible to know when or if the rodents are getting in. Make sure that your only access is through an exterior vent, which will be easy to watch and keep clean. This may seem daunting, but once it’s done, you’ll have a much easier time maintaining your attic space! The same thing is true for the exterior of your home; make sure that no holes in exterior walls or foundations could provide access to pests.

If you’ve got mice or Rodents Attic, it’s essential to know how to get rid of them before they cause too much damage.  If you need to figure out where they’re getting in, and they’ve already made a home, spraying them with a commercial poison may be your best bet though it can be dangerous if you don’t do it right.