Local payment processor, Acumen Connections, interviewed by business podcast.

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Local payment processor, Acumen Connections, interviewed by business leaders and experts podcast with national audience. In the episode, they discuss payment processing and content marketing.

Recently, the Business Ninjas podcast invited the local Acumen Connections payment processing team to their show. The podcast streams across several online platforms. In each episode, business leaders share tips and tricks from their own field. These business experts share their own experience working to scale their brand.

In the show, these pros talk about their professional experience. They may introduce their company and explain their niche. Experts discuss recent successes, then analyze how they accomplished those steps. At the end, they often cover where they’d like their business to go next.

A payment processor and content strategy team walk into a meeting. It sounds like the start to a lame joke, but it’s the truth.

Acumen Connections Digital Marketing Manager, Renee McBride, represented the payment processor as the Business Ninjas’ guest. In this episode, the two parties discussed mutual interests. They discussed payment processing and content marketing.

These days, 82% of marketers are investing in content marketing. Yet, it’s a relatively new marketing strategy. The more experiences others share about content marketing, the easier it is to learn.

The Business Ninjas podcast’s objective is to bring on skilled business personnel. They refer to these people as ‘business ninjas’. On the show, leaders discuss how they’ve scaled their brand. The show does more than that though. They provide a platform for other leaders to learn from the guests. Often, the show takes on an approach of analyzing content marketing as the main topic.

Each episode starts by getting to know the guest speaker. In the recent episode, McBride introduces herself at the start. She shares she’d been interested in marketing since childhood. Over the years, she worked in various roles where she gained copywriting and advertising experience. “[I did] a lot of freelancing and traditional 8-5 roles with small businesses. Wore a lot of hats. Solved a lot of problems… Joined Acumen Connections in 2019 to provide copywriting.”

One thing is noticeable from listening to the show. It keeps a solid balance between professional and personable. The podcast episode between Acumen Connections and Business Ninjas used Zoom. The video call made it a much more-relaxed tone.

At its core, Acumen Connections is a payment processor. They provide card merchant services. “80% of consumers say payment options impact their purchasing decisions,” McBride says. “Our role is helping businesses get paid. [We make] those transactions a pleasant and seamless experience.” Yet the brand provides more than just card readers and payment gateways.

McBride and Acumen Connections have one thing in common: they both love supporting other businesses. They learn and adapt. Then, they share their own findings with others. Their hope is to help educate others, so processes are easier in the future.

In the podcast episode, McBride continues to explain how Acumen Connections has utilized blog content in recent years. The team has found blogs to be a convenient way to help others.

She shares how they’ve found success, “[Writing articles] started as a great way to answer customer questions… We found we were getting some leads through those articles. There was value to them outside of just helping customers.” The payment processing team started to write to answer business questions. It was a way to provide advice to current customers. Plus, it helped other businesses grow.

Today, payment processor Acumen Connections, has over 200 business tips. In their articles, the team shares their own work experiences.

Companies can find almost everything. There are tips on how to use a credit card reader, advice on unique ways to expand business, and lists of career milestones to accomplish at various life phases.

Some of Acumen Connections’ articles include free marketing resources. “Content has become a big part of our strategy. It’s part of our brand,” McBride explains, “connecting businesses to free resources, tips, and info.”

One way Acumen Connections does this is by interviewing business experts. When writing some articles, they confer with an expert on the topic. It better ensures the accuracy of their blog. They see it as a way to share information straight from the source. The team uses it as a space to help promote local businesses.

Businesses helping businesses is part of the Acumen Connections brand. Of course, there’s a second party here that matches that same theme. The Business Ninjas podcast utilizes the experiences of others to teach.

The show provides a wealth of knowledge. With over 170 episodes and counting, any business can find an episode that shows them the next step in their plan.

During the pandemic, many businesses failed. People were going out less, spending stalled, and many teams found themselves understaffed. In our post-pandemic world, it’s essential that businesses work in unison to grow.

Projects like these are a reminder to all of us that there are small things we can do to help promote other businesses and help our cities grow.