How to Choose an Exterior Sign to Grab Customers’ Attention

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( — April 11, 2023) — First impressions count, and when it comes to growing your business, exterior signage is integral to creating that all-important initial impression. Exterior signs create brand recognition and can help draw potential customers in from the street or sidewalk as they pass by. The following are some tips for creating an eye-catching exterior sign.

1. Keep Fonts Legible

When choosing a font for your exterior sign, ensure it is easy to read. Using too many different fonts or overly ornate fonts can be distracting and take away from the overall message of the sign. Instead, opt for simple sans-serif or serif fonts in classic colors like black or white.

Also, ensure the font size is large enough to be visible from a distance. Many people will see your sign from far away, so the text must be easy to read.

2. Choose Bright Colors

Bright colors will make your sign stand out and draw customers in. Choose colors that are complementary to each other, and use contrast to emphasize important words or images. For example, a bright yellow background with dark blue text will surely get noticed.

Other eye-catching combinations include orange and blue, red and green, or purple and yellow. However, remember that too many colors can be distracting, so stick to two or three at most.

3. Utilize Images

Including images on your exterior sign can help capture people’s attention more quickly than text alone. Relevant images, such as your business logo or graphics depicting what you offer, will make it easier for customers to identify your business and remember it later on.

Ensure any images you use are high-quality and clear enough to be visible when viewed from a distance. If you have limited space available, using a silhouette-style image with minimal detail can make the most of what you have.

4. Use Non-Traditional Signs

If you want to draw attention, consider using a non-traditional sign design. For example, adding LED lights to your sign or using an unconventional material can make it stand out and attract curious customers.

Non-traditional signs are especially effective when combined with other marketing tactics, such as events or promotions. This will help draw even more attention to your business and encourage people to come in and check it out.

5. Hire a Professional

Creating an effective and attractive exterior sign can be difficult, so leaving the job to a professional is best. A designer will be able to create a unique sign that is tailored to your business and stands out from the competition.

Plus, they’ll use expert techniques such as color theory or visual hierarchy to ensure your sign stands out and grabs customers’ attention. In the end, hiring a professional may cost more upfront, but it will pay off in the long run with increased visibility for your business.

Choosing the right exterior sign for your business can be a daunting task. But with some planning and creativity, you can create an eye-catching sign that draws customers in. Keep fonts legible, choose bright colors, utilize images, use non-traditional signs, and hire a professional designer. With these tips in mind, you can create an effective sign that boosts your business’s visibility and helps bring in more customers.