Smart Decision Making Tools & Skills: Step-By-Step Expert Guide Launched

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The 29k app has released a new guide designed to help individuals make smarter, better decisions.

The new guide is part of 29k’s efforts to bring accessible psychological tools to the public. Readers will learn how to make better decisions in a streamlined, conscious manner.

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The guide examines the ways in which human decision-making can be simplified, offering a deeper look at the science and psychology behind decision-making and offering practical, applicable decision-making skills for making smarter choices.

For many people, the process of making a major decision can be paralyzing. It’s not just big decisions that are difficult, such as where to live or what career to pursue; sometimes even small decisions, such as what to wear or where to eat, can be challenging. The new guide from 29k sets out the reasons for common sources of stress around choices, showing readers how they can step into a new and better decision-making paradigm.

The guide is divided into two sections. The first looks closely at the reasons why making a decision is often difficult. These reasons include analysis paralysis, inherent biases, prioritization of immediate rewards in the moment over potential rewards in the future, and the fact that the brain tends to shy away from strong emotions during the decision-making process. Each point is supported with relevant scientific facts.

The second section of the decision-making guide is structured around practical tips and skills for making better choices. The various methods include identifying core values as a source of guidance, taking a big-picture perspective, creating routines, controlling stimuli, and cultivating an awareness of thoughts and emotions.

With this guide and other similar resources, the 29k app aims to demystify much of the science around basic human psychology. According to a company spokesperson, “29k is an open-source, co-created non-profit organization, making psychological tools for mental health, inner development, and civic leadership accessible, free, and meaningful to millions. The 29k platform makes evidence-based psychological tools both scalable and free.”

Along with the guide to better decision-making tools, 29k offers many other psychological guides and resources. The organization is open-source, co-created with a global research network, and funded by philanthropists and partnerships.

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