Corporate Development Deal Origination: M&A Pipeline Management Solution Updated

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As analysts predict an increase in global deal activity in the second half of the year, OutFlow updates its all-in-one deal sourcing solution to help corporate development professionals improve their pipeline management.

OutFlow’s innovative deal sourcing approach combines data mining, targeted marketing campaigns, and efficient outreach to create a continuous, scalable stream of M&A opportunities. While the solution has already been successfully used by over 200 advisors, investment bankers, brokers, and PE firms, the latest update focuses on value creation for corporate development teams.

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The announcement coincides with a recently published overview of the key deal-making trends of the current year by Morgan Stanley. The investment bank’s analysts predict an acceleration of M&A activity in the second half of 2023 and beyond, highlighting acquisition activity by large corporations as one of the main drivers. The three key industries which are likely to grow through M&A this year are healthcare, technology, and energy.

OutFlow encourages corp dev professionals to adopt a proactive approach to deal sourcing and utilize data-driven methods to pinpoint acquisition targets, as opposed to using traditional relationship-based sourcing and tedious manual research.

By outsourcing deal origination to OutFlow, companies will not only eliminate time-consuming tasks and optimize resources, but will also benefit from a hands-off approach with consistent results. The deal sourcing experts explain that as economic uncertainty impacts both acquirers and targets, decision-making becomes more difficult, and a high quality of pipeline inputs increases the chances of a successful deal.

“Data isn’t power. It’s potential power,” says Matt Currie, OutFlow’s CEO. “We must execute and reach out to the right targets from the database we built for you in order to secure the interest of prospects that would like to speak with you.”

The company leverages its database platform with over 2 million verified private company records, as well as precisely targeted marketing campaigns, to find potential targets that match the client’s criteria. OutFlow can then contact them on behalf of the client to start a conversation. Its marketing and business communication experts create tailored outreach campaigns that have a high response and conversion rate.

“Cannot tell you how happy I am with OutFlow’s work,” a satisfied client said. “I am just 2/3 of the way into my contract and they have already delivered 50% more total leads than they promised during the entire contract. Good, quality leads. Easy to work with when we need to pivot to a new focus. All around great experience.”

Interested parties can find more information by visiting
