New Burlingame CA Study: Creative Writing Fights Dementia & Alzheimer’s Decline

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New research from in-home and memory care services provider Elder Manage Care, in collaboration with elderly patients, families and carers, demonstrates how creative writing helps activate the mind, sharpen cognitive abilities and increase the quality of life of those battling Alzheimer’s and dementia.

New practical studies conducted by specialist in-home care providers, Elder Manage Care in partnership with elderly clients and their families and carers, have revealed that engaging in creative writing can help stimulate the brain and improve cognition in elderly people with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Through this research, the team has observed that creative writing can help strengthen and preserve existing memories, even in those with early stages of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

For more information on combining traditional in-home care services with creative writing to help slow down cognitive decline, visit

Traditional in-home care services for the elderly tend to deal with dementia, Alzheimer’s and related memory care issues simply by enabling seniors to remain in the comfort of their own home. ​

Elder Manage Care is taking another step in the evolution of in-home care services. Its new program gives families more than just home care: it uses creative writing to help seniors fight against diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia. This engages their minds and slows the diseases’ progress. The study is part of an ongoing programme and looks at creative writing techniques as a direct link to improving mental health.

The study examined 10 independent patients aged 45 to 96 struggling with illnesses such as Alzhiemers, Dementia, Bi-Polar and other conditions through a 4-6 week period to capture the efforts creative writing plays in improving mental health. The team was able to observe in a practical “in-home” setting how engaging in creative writing helps elderly participants maintain and even improve their cognition. Feedback from family carers after the study included:

– “I noticed immediate improvements in overall happiness.”

– “XXXX’s improvement in quality of life was clearly evident, she felt engaged and the collaboration kept her clear, sharp, happy and supported.”

– “XXXX’s depression has lifted for now and she seems to have a purpose in life again. The power of activating the mind is undeniable.”

– “XXXX served the community for many years. She is much less depressed, the study has brought her managerial instinct out and she now participates in every activity at home.”

– “I myself have noticed a woman with purpose and something to do every day where before she could not get out of bed due to depression.”

– “XXXX’s life took an immediate turn for the better. I can see she really fluishes with engagement.”

Elder Manage Care’s innovative in-home and memory care program demonstrates the strength of the written word for ageing individuals who are grappling with mental health conditions like vascular dementia or Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment. The new study shows how unleashing the imagination through creative writing can help sharpen the minds of seniors and reduce cognitive decline.

Dementia is an umbrella term that describes a broad spectrum of degenerative illnesses, causing severe cognitive issues like impaired memory, judgement and abstract thinking. The most prevalent type of dementia is Alzheimer’s.

Carers and seniors need to look out for signs of dementia such as reduced short-term memory, trouble thinking clearly, and problems understanding. This disease has no cure; but by participating in stimulating activities like creative writing, its symptoms can be relieved and quality of life improved.

Elder Manage Care states that it is increasingly important that new methods of dementia care are innovated as the rate of Alzheimer’s and related cognitive diseases continues to climb.

By 2030, an estimated 78 million Americans over 65 could have Alzheimer’s or dementia. To address this challenge, Elder Manage Care created its unique solution of pairing traditional home care with specific memory care services. This well-rounded approach helps to preserve physical and mental wellness, ensuring seniors can maintain their independence and live life to the fullest for as long as possible.

Study participants noticed a significant increase in emotional bonding with family, friends and carers, as well as a surge in general life satisfaction. They also noted that creative writing:-

– Has a profound impact on emotional well-being, offering patients with dementia a sense of purpose and accomplishment.

– Acts as a powerful catalyst for memory recall triggering recollections of long forgotten emotions, experiences and cherished memories

– Provides a new means of self expression when dementia has hindered verbal communications

– Reduces caregiver burnout by reducing challenging symptoms and agitation that people living with dementia may experience.

About Elder Manage Care

Elder Manage Care provides in-home and memory care services in the San Francisco Bay area and in Chicago. The agency stresses the importance of protecting the mental wellness of senior citizens, especially those suffering from dementia. With their distinctive type of home care – including Creative Writing Memory Care and additional in-home aid – the agency strives to ensure a positive state of mind and mental well being for clients, their family and carers.

Emily Chase, CEO comments “ Expressing feelings and experiences through creative writing is a powerful way to let your voice be heard. We give those without a voice the chance to have their say in the often bewildering life they find themselves in”

For more information on combining traditional in-home care services with creative writing to help slow down cognitive decline please visit
