Visual Branding Business Benefits: Color, Shape & Typography Guide Released

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LO:LA, a full-service creative marketing agency based in El Segundo, has released a guide on the benefits of visual branding for businesses.

With its newly launched guide, LO:LA is showing businesses how attractive visual branding can help improve brand awareness, change public perception, and increase brand loyalty. The guide also highlights some of the different design and style elements of effective visual branding and suggests some of the most valuable channels for engagement.

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According to LO:LA, most people tend to be visually oriented, noticing, both consciously and subconsciously, the aesthetic qualities of branding before any other qualities. Over 80% of an advertising or marketing campaign’s success can be attributed to its visuals. This makes it imperative that businesses invest resources in their visual branding efforts if they want to set themselves apart from competitors.

In the guide, LO:LA suggests that businesses direct a lot of their time and effort toward making a good first impression, as it can often define a brand-customer relationship regardless of what happens later. This means considering every point of contact that customers have with the business, from website home pages to social media profiles, and ensuring the content on them is clean, sharp, and engaging.

Additionally, customers need to be able to connect on a deeper level to the design of these platforms. For example, the colors and fonts that businesses choose can invoke emotions in the customer, which, in turn, causes them to connect on a personal level. When designing visual branding, LO:LA recommends that businesses aim for simplicity.

By doing these things, businesses draw more attention to themselves, and as a result, they get more opportunities to attract customers, build loyalty, and increase sales.

As the guide points out, visual branding isn’t just for new and upstart businesses either; businesses embarking on or amid a re-brand can also significantly benefit from concentrating on their visual branding.

“Understanding the benefits of visual branding for your business can help you identify what your brand needs to develop in order to improve,” said a spokesperson for the company. “It’s a challenging process that requires patience and consistency, but also a very exciting one. It takes time to create effective visual branding, but the outcome is worth it.”

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