Warwick RI Sex Trafficking Sexual Abuse Law Firm For Civil Court Lawsuits Update

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Abuse Guardian – a national alliance of attorneys specializing in sexual abuse – has named Dan Lipman as its appointed representative for sex trafficking cases in the state of Rhode Island.

The announcement underlines the group’s commitment to helping victims of sex trafficking find expert legal support in pursuit of justice through the civil court system. Dan Lipman Esq. – of Parker Lipman – is a highly-respected advocate for survivors of sex crimes, bringing many years of experience in pursuing these types of cases.

More details can be found at https://abuseguardian.com/sexual-assault-lawyer/rhode-island/

The statement details Mr. Lipman and his team’s capacity to empower victims to face their abusers. Survivors of sex trafficking experience a range of difficult emotions – from shame, guilt, and embarrassment to anger, terror, and depression. The Abuse Guardian network brings a sensitivity to the work they do with vulnerable people, helping them to fight back and win compensation for the trauma they have suffered.

The Abuse Guardian attorneys work tirelessly to protect their client’s rights, as many victims of trafficking are apprehensive about coming forward for fear they will face prosecution themselves. Mr. Lipman and his team ensure that trafficked individuals are protected and that the true criminals are brought to justice.

Abuse Guardian’s Rhode Island appointee brings a deep knowledge of the law relating to trafficking people over state lines and the requisite evidence required by the state to prove that coercive behavior, fraud, and force were used.

Civil court action can be used to not only hold the perpetrators to account but also other parties who failed to act or were in any way complicit by turning a blind eye. This extends to businesses like hotels, motels, and even websites – all of which may be liable for civil damages relating to sex trafficking cases.

With the criminal justice system sadly lacking in terms of support for sex crime survivors, the Abuse Guardian network’s expertise in civil cases gives victims the chance to win financial compensation for their ordeal – without fear of legal reprisals.

Abuse Guardian stated, “Most sex trafficking victims will never see financial restitution through the criminal justice system. While courts are now empowered to include monetary compensation as an aspect of sentencing, this form of restitution is still under-utilized.”

For more information, go to https://abuseguardian.com/sex-trafficking/