Major Risks in SMS API Based Verification

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( — December 6, 2023) — In order to safeguard our accounts and sensitive data in the modern digital environment, multi-factor authentication, or MFA, has become essential. While various forms of MFA exist, one of the most common forms is SMS verification. While for promotional use cases, SMS channels like RCS have become popular. As an identifier, these are the rich media messages for which you sometimes get sent as SMS via server.

However, this seemingly simple and convenient method comes with its own set of risks. In this post, we will examine the main weaknesses in OTP service providers’ SMS verification processes and offer better security-enhancing options.

1. SMS Verification: An Overview

SMS verification is a popular form of MFA where a one-time code is sent to the user’s mobile phone using SMS verification services. This added safety layer makes it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to access your accounts. However, the seeming simplicity and convenience of this method mask several potential security risks.

2. Vulnerabilities of SMS Authentication

a. Phishing and Interception

The vulnerability of SMS verification to phishing and interception attempts is one of its main weaknesses. Cybercriminals can trick users into giving away their login credentials or MFA code through a phishing message. Additionally, attackers can intercept the SMS code using methods such as man-in-the-middle attacks or by exploiting weaknesses in the mobile network.

b. SIM-Swapping

Another method attackers use to bypass SMS verification is SIM swapping. In this scenario, a hacker tricks the mobile carrier into transferring the victim’s phone number to a SIM card under their control. Once successful, the attacker can receive the victim’s SMS codes, effectively bypassing the SMS verification process.

c. Security Standards and Encryption

SMS messages lack encryption, meaning that they can be read if intercepted during transmission. Additionally, there is no way to verify the sender’s identity, making it possible for attackers to send fake messages that appear to be from trusted organizations.

In order to use SMS verification services effectively, you can refer to our detailed guide on OTP SMS fraud prevention.

Also, if you are looking for an SMS verification service that can also take care of these security aspects for you, you can check Verify Now by Message Central. You can simply send an SMS for verification in 3 simple steps.

You can also simple test the service or try for free on their page as shown below :-


3. Alternatives to SMS Verification

SMS verification is an extra security measure, although it is not infallible. Given the vulnerabilities, it is advisable to consider more secure alternatives for MFA.

a. Passwordless Authentication

Passwordless authentication eliminates the need for passwords, which are often the weak link in a security chain. Instead, it uses a combination of biometric data and other authentication factors, such as authenticator apps, to verify the user’s identity. This method is more secure than SMS verification as it is not susceptible to SMS-based attacks like SIM swapping and phishing.

b. Authenticator Apps

Authenticator apps like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, or Authy are a great alternative to SMS verification. These apps generate a one-time code for user authentication, eliminating the need for an SMS message. Not only are these apps immune to SIM-swapping or interception attacks, but they can also function without a mobile network connection, unlike SMS verification.

c. Hardware Tokens

Hardware tokens, such as YubiKey or RSA SecurID, are physical devices that generate a one-time code when pressed or inserted into a computer. They provide superior security compared to SMS verification as they require the physical device to be in hand, making them safe from interception, SIM-swapping, and similar attacks.

d. Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, are another great alternative to SMS verification. As it is challenging to replicate or steal biometric data, this method is both secure and convenient. Users don’t need to enter a code or use a separate device, making the process simpler and more user-friendly.

e. WhatsApp OTP

WhatsApp marketing is only a one-off case in which businesses can leverage WhatsApp. Giving OTP on WhatsApp has also become a very popular use, especially in countries like India, Malaysia etc.


While SMS verification might seem like a convenient option for MFA, it comes with several risks that make it less secure. Users are advised to use alternatives such as authenticator apps, hardware tokens, or biometric authentication to better protect their online accounts. By incorporating these alternatives, you can drastically decrease the likelihood of your personal information being compromised.

With the rise in digital transformation, robust online security measures are becoming increasingly critical. It’s crucial to be aware of the potential vulnerabilities associated with different MFA methods, such as SMS verification, and to implement more secure alternatives when possible. Remember, the key to effective cybersecurity is not just using MFA but using it wisely.