The Art of Making Plum Mead: Tips and Techniques From the Experts

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( — May 4, 2024) — Mead, made from plum, is a deliciously unique fermented beverage that has been gaining popularity in recent years. Combining the flavors of honey and plums, it offers a tantalizing blend of sweetness with a hint of tartness. Whether you’re a seasoned brewer or new to the world of mead-making, if you want to use plum to make mead, this is your guide to follow!

Choosing the Right Ingredients:

The key to brewing exceptional plum mead lies in selecting high-quality ingredients. Here are a few important ingredients and considerations to have that make the mead taste so good:

1. Honey:

Using high-quality honey is crucial for creating an extraordinary mead. Opt for raw or unfiltered honey that captures the essence of its floral or earthly notes.

2. Plums:

Choose ripe and flavorful plums for maximum taste in your wine. Overly ripe or under-ripe fruits may affect the flavor profile.

3. Yeast:

Selecting the correct yeast strain is vital as it will significantly influence the final product. Try using wine yeast designed explicitly for mead-making to achieve desirable flavors and characteristics.

Preparation Techniques:

Before jumping into brewing, make sure to follow these essential preparation techniques:

1. Sanitization:

Maintain impeccable cleanliness throughout your entire brewing process by sanitizing all equipment properly. This helps prevent unwanted bacteria or wild yeast from tainting your final batch.

2. Fruit Preparation:

Wash and pit the plums before use, ensuring they are free from blemishes or dirt particles that could adversely affect the resulting flavor.

The Brewing Process:

Now that you’ve prepared all the necessary ingredients and equipment, it’s time to dive into the art of brewing plum mead! Follow these steps for a successful fermentation journey:

1. Creating Must:

To have a well-rounded flavor, combine your chosen plums (amount depending on your preference) with filtered water to form a must. Add honey for sweetness, considering that the percentage should typically be around 10-12% of the overall must weight.

2. Mixing and Aeration:

Ensure all ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Incorporating oxygen into the must stimulates yeast development before fermentation begins. This can be achieved through gentle stirring or vigorous splashing.

3. Fermentation:

Transfer the must into a fermentation vessel, preferably glass or food-grade plastic. Fit an airlock to allow for the release of carbon dioxide while preventing any potential contaminants from entering.

4. Patience and Monitoring:

Fermentation can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months, depending on factors such as yeast strain and temperature conditions. Regularly measure specific gravity using a hydrometer to monitor its progress.

5. Secondary Fermentation:

During this phase, clarify your mead by siphoning it off into another sanitized container while leaving sediment behind. Any necessary adjustments, such as adding oak chips for flavor complexity or stabilizing agents for desired sweetness levels, should also be done during this step.

6. Aging and Bottling:

Allow your plum mead to age for at least six months before consumption since it develops richer flavors over time. Once satisfied with your brew’s taste profile, carefully bottle using sanitized wine bottles and corks or caps.

Tips from the Experts:

1. Experiment with Variations:

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different plum varieties or blend them with other fruits like cherries for added complexity and depth of flavor.

2. Control Temperature:

Maintaining stable temperatures within ideal ranges prescribed for your yeast strains will yield consistent results.

3. Document Your Recipes:

Take detailed notes throughout the brewing process, including ingredients, quantities, and any adjustments made. This will allow you to replicate successful batches or make improvements in subsequent ones.


Brewing plum mead is a truly rewarding process that allows you to combine nature’s sweetness and patience into a delightful elixir. By choosing high-quality ingredients, following proper techniques, and utilizing expert advice, you can create memorable plum meads that will delight your friends and family alike. Crafting delicious mead takes time and patience but becomes an art achievable by anyone willing to embark on this flavorful journey!