Newswire: If it is News to you, then it is News to us

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We all know news is a serious business, but this is never truer than when you have a press release! Unfortunately, the death knell has tolled for newspapers, so traditional news agencies are no longer the place to go when you have something to report. One of the major reasons readership has declined so dramatically is because newspapers (along with other, traditional news outlets) have become so myopic in their reporting: the same handful of stories are recycled for days on-end and reported on by all the major outlets. Press releases are overlooked as “free advertising,” and even if your press release gets picked-up, who is going to see it? is a forward-looking social network of bloggers and independent journalists, unfettered by corporate influence. seeks to develop a network of these dedicated, “semi-” professionals and provide them with the backing of an actual news organization. It also seeks to put the focus back on reporting and distributing information, not “hot news stories” everyone else is covering, ad nauseam. According to their very mission statement, seeks to become “the newspaper of the future.” is an exclusive network which requires members to submit a number of articles before they can be considered for membership. If their writing meets Newswire’s quality standards, the writers are asked to make a pledge, in which they promise to abide by a strict code of ethics. In return, they receive a valid press pass which can be electronically verified (which also lists an 800 number, so it can be verified by phone). This means Newswire members are actual reporters – just like the ones you once read in newspapers and still (sometimes) see on TV. This is a powerful incentive which draws the best writers and independent journalists working online today – the very ones traditional journalists so often deride.

Newswire accepts press releases on a per item basis. Where you once hoped your item would be picked-up and carried by news agencies, you are now guaranteed exposure on some 3500 websites, including major players like Yahoo! and Google. Even better, your press release will also reach large news outfits like USA Today and The Wall Street Journal, not to mention traditional agencies like AP and Reuters. So, not only are you guaranteed online exposure (where most readers get their news these days, anyway), you could also find your press release picked-up by the traditional news organizations you used to have to try so hard to crack. Their patented distribution method gets your press release out to the major sites, newspaper sites, databases, and search engines, as well as the major social networks, and ensures visibility by including search engine optimization.

You can find out more about this exciting new technology by checking out their media kit, which includes their mission statement and other useful information, including more about the company behind Newswire (EXT). There are 1,250,000 returns on Google and 48,000 on Yahoo!, so you know their technology works. You can also check out many of the thousands of sites included in their distribution network by clicking on the “Distribution” link at the top of their homepage. From there, you can also get started submitting your press release, if you are prepared to do so.

Further, promises follow-ups on all press releases submitted. Within two, working weeks (10 working days – Monday through Friday), your press release will be followed-up by one of the network’s dedicated members. After all, why shouldn’t your press release be considered news? Does it not deserve as much attention as the three or four, major stories being covered by every other news provider? Even a fraction of some of that coverage could do wonders for your business or endeavor! Newswire seeks to provide the coverage larger news outlets overlook in favor of more popular fare.

While the phrase, “Print is dead” remains arguable, the death of the traditional newspaper has been widely reported in recent months. Readers looking for news are now turning to the Web, where information is more plentiful and readily available. Bloggers and independent reporters who meet Newswire’s rigorous standards will now have the backing of a bonafide news agency, giving them the credibility so many deserve. Likewise, your press release will get the attention and coverage you should expect it to. Newswire’s patented distribution model ensures your press release, no matter how small, is considered newsworthy, and receives the coverage it deserves – including a follow-up story by one of the qualified journalists in their network.