The Peaceful Women Retreat "No Lectures Allowed"

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The Peaceful Women retreat, (, Women are powerful! No this no chauvinistic feeling but a fact, a fact which most women knows and believes but do not really tap it. There may be many reasons for this. We are so caught up in our daily life, playing a balancing act between our family and professional life that we lose contact with “ourselves”.

There is so much more to us women than just femininity or sacrifice. We are not just “living” in this vibrant and colorful world but are actually a part of it and it is this connection that has been lost somewhere in the battle of life. The good news is we can win it over again and that too with only a few steps or efforts from our side. As we connect to our inner self and explore our inner beauty, we will be able to sniff out better opportunities, see more creative solutions, feel a sense of pride as we clear through our obstacles gleefully, learn to listen to our gut feelings and trust out intuitions. All this is bound to lead us on the path of success which we can taste with whole heartedness.

While all this may sound very nice yet far fetched, it isn’t really impossible to achieve, what we need is a guiding hand, a mentor who can walk with us and show us the right path. Our inner self is not actually lost, but is misguided within us and a little help from a external source will help us know ourselves better. One such source of inspiration, guiding hand and mentor is The Peaceful Woman retreats. They offer various products, passages and coaching all in the bosom of nature that will help us reveal our true inner self. Most such programs are always based on lectures and seminars by experts, but what most fail to understand is, to rekindle our inner self you need to awaken all your senses and not just the sense of hearing.

The passages and coaching of The Peaceful Woman are so designed that you do not confine yourself within four walls and allow only your hearing sense to do the work for you, while your mind is probably wandering away to your next meeting or your children’s studies. Instead you are out in the open in the lap of Mother Nature, awakening all your vital senses of touch, hear, see, smell and taste. As you do so you will be able to identify and express your purpose of living, unleash your true potential in personal life and career and live a passionate life.

There are various other benefits to such awakening. It helps you tap and understand the “yes” and “no” of your body and take correct decisions every time. It helps you attain a desired state at your will, in other words you are in total control of your “self”. As you awaken your senses you stimulate the creative genius in you which will keep your brain healthy and fit (and not to forget inspired!).

In today’s health conscious world, emphasis is laid on the importance of physical activity and the benefits of a healthy, active and toned body. However the probability of a super-active fit body jelling with a tired and burned out brain is anybody’s guess. We need to exercise our grey matter too! The first question that would arise is “we are already overworking our brain”, but the fact is this is not true. We think, we plan, we decide and we do everything else but inspire, stimulate or just let it free. This can be termed as neuro-plasicity or the power of our brain to adapt and as time passes and we become busy with our daily schedules and troubles, we suppress our brain’s adaptability making it more robotic or pre=programmed. Exercising your brain will help you revive your spontaneity, something that you probably felt when you first picked up your paintbrush in your childhood or at your first job.

Brain exercises sharpens your learning skills, helps improve your focus view with clarity, increase your mental energy level (which is directly related to your memory) and enrich sensory awareness and thereby improve quality of live. The Peaceful Women – a no lecture retreat lays emphasis on such values that encourages peacefulness, fulfillment, integrity, joy and bliss, and awakens a few lost virtues like forgiveness, personal vision and purpose. Their courses help you appreciate nature’s beauty in its true sense, become socially responsible individuals.


Berny Dohrmann and CEOspace  is proud to support the Peaceful Women retreat.