Success Principles of Jack Canfield

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Coaching is about treating people as if they are whole and complete, and have all the answers within. A successful coach therefore, is someone who is willing to help that person discover their true selves. Jack Canfield is a coach dedicated to help people uncover the roadblocks that may be holding them back. With his help, people uncover their true passion in life, and learn how to create the life they always dreamed of living. Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and author of the best-selling book The Success Principles, Jack Canfield offers you his most powerful success principles.

One of the first principles that you may learn, is that you have the ability to live the life you have always wanted to live. Whatever your vision, calling or purpose, you have the skills and tools to create it for yourself. You are that powerful! Jack Canfield first learned these principles from his mentor W. Clement Stone, and throughout the years, he has found them to be uncompromisingly true. It is this truth that enables people to understand that there are fundamental laws that govern the universe. For example, what you think about in your mind is what you create as a reality in your life? Your mind is one of the most powerful tools on the planet; you only need to look around you to know this is true. Think for a moment about everything that has been created for you.

Hot water that comes out of the wall (a shower) was created by someone who had a thought, “I’m tired of fetching cold water from the well, and heating it on the stove; there must be a better way!” Okay, maybe it’s not quite as fast as that, but in principle, things are created by thoughts. it wasn’t that long ago that everyone was being carried around by horse and cart. It wasn’t until someone thought, “There must be a better way to get around, what about some kind of a mechanical contraption?” Hey presto! A car – a vehicle was created. It’s exactly the same principle that will work for you. What you think about, is what you create. The important thing therefore, is to make sure you are thinking about things you want to create into being. That’s where a coach like Jack Canfield can help you. With his direction and guidance, you can achieve your best vision for a fulfilling life.