The Secret of unlocking your potential

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Renowned author Jack Canfield is well known for co-writing the popular book, Chicken Soup for the Soul. He has authored several other books including the best seller, The Success Principles. Mr Canfield is also a featured contributor in the movie, The Secret, which is available for purchase at Jack Canfield attributes the principles found in The Secret for his personal and professional success. These basic principles are also the foundation of his personal coaching program offered by The Canfield Training Group.

Jack Canfield was mentored by W. Clement Stone, who introduced him to The Law of Attraction early in his career. Canfield later came together with like minded leaders in various fields to form a Master Mind group. Some of these individuals are also featured speakers in the movie.

The title; “The Secret,” pertains to ancient wisdom kept a guarded secret from the public by a select few. The message now being shared with the world is a lesson on the power and usefulness of the Law of Attraction. The power of positive thinking does scratch the surface of The Secret, but it’s much more in depth. That being said, a change in thought patterns and attitude are essential.

A simple three step process details a plan of action for utilizing this information. Tips on how to better implement attitude change are helpful, but personal creativity in this area is encouraged. In this way you can tailor the program for yourself.

The teachings found in The Secret may seem strange and unbelievable at first. However, basic truths which most people are typically either unaware of or are unclear about about are expounded on in an eye-opening way. These concepts are presented in a clear, concise manner and are easily understood. This information may otherwise seem intangible or too good to be true were it not backed by scientific proof. Experiments showing measurable results, however, are quite convincing.

The message conveyed in The Secret rings true. Once it clicks, it totally makes sense. Once put into practice with whole hearted conviction, a world of seemingly limitless possibilities opens up. Life draining negative emotions fall away and the problems they cause fall away with them. The excitement of following your bliss replaces thoughts of struggling to compete. Those who intend to live a truly charmed life can benefit from this film.