www.Cancer.im: where you are not a statistic

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CANCER! When we or a loved one is diagnosed with any type of cancer the first reaction is usually fear followed closely by denial, anger, depression and often a feeling of hopelessness. Many times the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness take over every aspect of our lives.

The medical care that you have available for cancer may be excellent, but it is often cold and clinical. It works on the physical side of the disease, but what about everyday life. Things are definitely going to be different. There is no denying this. You will have many important decisions to make at a time when you aren’t really prepared to consider them. It’s a time when you are confused, frightened and maybe feeling alone. It is time to pool all your resources, accept that you have this problem, pull your friends and family close and take advantage of all the help that is available to you.

You’ll find many valuable sources of help and encouragement at Cancer.im where you are not a statistic. Everyone’s experience is different, but there are many similarities. At Cancer.im you’ll find others who are going through similar emotions and struggles. You will also find the resources you need to know to get organized and make your “battle” plan. There will be insurance forms, medical records and financial questions to tackle. You’ll find ways to organize your many necessary documents and receive information on the latest treatment options. You’ll be able to plan an appropriate diet, learning what foods you need to eat to improve your overall health and to help make treatments easier.

Research has proven that cancer patients have a better survival rate when they have a good network of support. Let others share your struggle. Don’t keep it to yourself. At Cancer.im you have ways to keep family and friends involved in your treatment and life challenges. You can also share with others on the site who are going through similar experiences.

At Cancer.im you really are much more than a statistic. You can find real people and real support to encourage you through this difficult time.