SEO Press Releases -The Best Kept Secret in SEM

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Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques will help increase your ranking on Google, Yahoo, Bing and others. So how do you optimize your press releases?  You will need to focus on keywords, hyperlinks and embedded media. When used properly, they will help move you higher in rankings and add credibility and exposure to your organization’s news.

1. SEO Keywords

It is important to avoid jargon in your press release and utilize keywords to help search engines recognize the topic of your release. Make sure you use simple language that everyone can understand.

Search engines rank news based on relevancy. The more relevant your press release is to the keyword that is searched, the higher ranking you receive. If Joe searches for “SEO press releases” and you use this keyword phrase in your release, it should gain higher ranking.

Google offers a free tool to help you find relevant keywords to use in your press release. Google Adwords Keyword Tool allows you to input a URL or text from your press release. It will then provide you with a list of keyword phrases relevant to your topic. The results will show how often people search for each keyword phrase. If you use keyword phrases that are most popular, your press release will gain ranking.

2. Hyperlinks

Search engines also look at the number of relevant links used. Be sure to link back to a client’s site, when mentioned in your SEO press release. If you mention a specific product or service, it is important to link to that part of the site. In fact, linking to specific pages other than the home page can help increase ranking as well. For example, I might associate “a cost-efficient press release writing and distribution service” directly to

Backlinks are necessary in optimization. If you write a blog post or post a status to Twitter and Facebook about the news covered in your press release, you should link them back to your press release. These backlinks create two-way traffic and helps improve SEO ranking.

3. Embedded Media

Social media releases are becoming more popular and offer an opportunity to develop richer press releases. If you incorporate content beyond text, you will have a release with more depth. Consider embedding images, audio and video. Embedding a YouTube video will offer another hyperlink opportunity.

A Final Thought – The First 250

Optimizing the first 250 words of your release is a common technique used in SEO. A well written intro using the elements above will kill two birds with one stone!

So how have you increased your press release’s search engine ranking? What search engine optimization techniques have you implemented, at Newswire we specialize in writinge and distributing SEO press that gets you the targeted keyword traffic you seek.  To learn more please visit