Facebook SEO Strategies That Don't Require Me Being Your Friend

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There is alot of talk this week about Facebook being used as a Search Engine Optimitization tool or strategy.  On that note, I have a suggestion on Saving Engery Optimization or the other SEO within the Facebook community a website on Facebook now gives you instructional videos on how to clean up all those unwanted friends http://bit.ly/dkb1fN it is an effective strategywith coincides nicely with that dreaded spring cleaning, we all need to do.  

There is a movement among the facbook community especailly with SEO strategies focusing on social networking. SEO srategies should not come attached with having to deal with some moron I hated in high school or an ex co-worker who had personal hygene issues.  People, it is ok not to friend past people who you really never liked.  I am not going to judge you and Facebook although quickly living up to its vain name, should either.

Facebook SEO srategies are not dependent upon you being friends with everyone.  It is OK to de-friend someone (especially if they don’t know how to take a shower) that is why there is now a SEO Video showing you how easy it is to de-friend someone on facebook whcih can be seen here http://bit.ly/dkb1fN.

I beleve this video will take off because chances are you are as fed up as I am about receiving Facebook invitations from every bozo that ever got their hands on my business card or looked me up in the high school yearbook? I mean, is it just me, or do you seem to attract invitations from people that you never wanted to be friends with in the first place? I have yet to get one of those invites from a big shot Hollywood agent begging for me to come audition for the newest blockbuster based on my dazzling profile — instead it seems like every geek and pushy sales person I ever encountered has managed to find me again and is trying to suck me into their Facebook world!  Trust me this is no way on creating a sustainable SEO strategey with or without Facebook.

I am really becoming convinced that all these social networks, especially facebook are just a huge waste of my time. When it comes to Saving Energy Optimitization  (SEO).  Consider how the rise of social networking coincided with the peak of foreclosures and the onset of the credit crunch, I have to wonder if there is a dark side lurking behind the perky myth of the ‘connect with the world’ via networks like Facebook. I mean, why does it seem that every idiot you have successfully avoided over the years has now been able to find you and thanks ti facebook figured out a way of wasting your valuable time with invitations to mafia wars, farmville or some other time wasting matter.

One simple method for dealing with a lot of that nonsense is to de-friend them, I do it all the time and have gotten pretty good at it.  There is a favorite site I enjoy using where I just cut and paste this URL http://bit.ly/dkb1fN onto there wall which shows them in detail why I de-friended them.  I consider it a Facebook inervention, hopefully they wiill understand that by a constant stream of invitaitons and nonsence is the  new HOV lane to loosing friends and contacts.

With the interent in its infancy, it is unerstandable of where are the rules and etiquette of de-friending Facebook haunts. When posed with such a dilema I think you will find comfort that there is a SEO mantra you can resort to  “I didn’t like you before and I dont like you NOW, so I therefore must de-friend you before I tell you what you can do with that fricken Farmville Cow

Now that I have my Facebook account under control, I am on a SEO mission helping other Facebook users  find clarity with the too many friends issue.  First you must understand that unlesss the person is a stalker chances are they will never know that you de-friended them on facebook.  Facebook does not send out a notice or alert.  Second if the person is a stalker you have another option and that is to block them. You can do this at the bottom of the profile page of your stalker.  there will be a button saying Block, by pressing this button you immeditely turn into a ghost.  No trace, cant find you and all correspondence you have with third parties will be removed from the stalker’s purvue, very cool and needed feature.  

Please help us spread the word and post this everwhere, this is a public service announcement (PSA) for People Who Never Liked You In High School http://bit.ly/dkb1fN