Roman Polanski is Preparing to Flee House Arrest- Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf

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Newswire has created a petition site  in hopes that the Swiss justice minister (Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf) will  come to hers senses and realize that Roman Polanski is a flight risk and will flee his “house arrest”.  He is a fugitive of justice and has evaded justice for 33 years.  If given the opportunity to flee he will do so again rather than face the harsh reality and possible sentence that he drugged, raped, and sodomized a 13 year old girl. 

I implore you Minster Schlumpf to review the following logic in support of your decision to immediately revoke Mr. Polanski’s house arrest:

  • Roman Polanski pled guilty to unlawful sex with a minor.  This decision was done under his own free will, and after he was allowed to confer with his lawyers;
  •  This decision was made (acceptance of a guilty plea of unlawful sex with a minor) after the review of the evidence the state (California) presented against him prior to a jury trial of his peers as afforded under the laws of California;
  •  Part of this evidence was the sworn grand jury testimony of  Samantha Gailey, which can be read here;



  • Excerpts from the sworn grand jury testimony of 13 year old Samantha Gailey include:

  1. Q.   Did you take a quaalude?
  2. A.    I took part of it.
  3. Q.   Where did you get this part
  4. A.    He gave it to me

      19.  A.    I told him – I said I wanted to get—I wanted to go home

      22.  Q.  What did Mr. Polanski say?

      23.  A.    He Told me to go in the other room and lie down.         

     22.   A    I said “No”

     23.   Q.   What did he say?

     24.   A.   He goes “Well,, you’ll be better.”

     25.          And I go , “No, I won’t.   I have to go home.

      26.   Q.   What happened then?

      27.   A.    He reached over and he kissed me.  And I was

      28.          telling him, “No”, you know, “Keep away.”

10.   A.   He Said, I’ll take you home soon.”

11.   Q. Then what happened?

12.   A.   And then he went down and started performing

13.          cuddliness.

14.   Q.  What does that mean?

15.   A.  It means he went down on me and placed his

16.         mouth on my vagina

17.   Q.  Where were you when he did that?

18.   A.  On the couch


24.   Q.  Did you feel that you were under the influence on

25.          this day, March 10th

26.    A.   Yes.

27.    Q.   And that’s when you were sitting on the couch?

28.    A.  Yes.


  1. Q.   Why do you think you believe that you were under the
  2.         Influence at that time?
  3. A.    I can barely remember anything that happened.
  4. Q.   is there any other reason?
  5. A.    No. I was knda of dizzy, you know like things
  6.         Were kinda of blurry sometimes.  I was having trouble with my
  7.         Coordination like walking and stuff
  8. Q.   How long dod Mr. Polanski have his mouth on you
  9.         Vagina?
  10. A.    A few minuetes
  11. Q.   What happened after that
  12. A.    He started to have intercourse with me.
  13. Q.   What do you mean by intercourse?
  14. A.    He placed his penis in my vagina
  15. Q.   What did you say, if anything, before he did that?
  16. A.    I was mostly just in and off saying , “No, stop.”
  17.         But I wasn’t fighting really because I, you know
  18.         There was no one else there and I had no place to go
  19. Q.   What did he say id anything
  20. A.    He didn’t answer me when I said, “No.”


19. Q.    Did he say anything after that?

20. A.     Yes. He goes, “Would you want me to go in

21.          through your back:”

22           And I went, “No”


18. Q.    When you say he went in you anus, what do you

19.          mean by that?

20.  A.    He put his penis in my butt.

21.  Q.   Did he say anything at that time?

22.  A.    No.

23.  Q.   Did you resist at that time?

24.  A.    A little bit, but not really beause—(pause)

25.  Q.   Because what?

26.  A.    Because I was afraid of him.       


  • Mr. Polanski accepted a plea in return for a reduced sentence to avoid the possibility of being sentenced to upwards of 30 years for raping a minor.  Prior to his sentencing Mr. Polanski fled the United States seeking refuge in France where he is a citizen.
  • What Mr. Polanski did is one of the worst nightmares a parent can face and as a society we have a duty to protect our children from sexual predators.  I implore you to send the world the message that Switzerland will not provide safe harbor for sexual predators.  Revoke Mr. Polanski house arrest and afford him his due process under Swiss laws concerning his extradition to the United States.