Jack Canfield, Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, to Speak at Dream U Camp

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Have you ever wished that you could get more out of your life, what are your dreams, dream job, dream house? Perhaps you have always known deep down inside that you deserved more out of life, but you have always felt that external circumstances out of your control have been holding you back. The good news is that there are tried and proven methods for overcoming the barriers in your life that are holding you back – no matter what those may be. Perhaps you have a demanding job and boss who doesn’t respect you and drains all the life energy out of you. Maybe you live with a family member or husband you is constantly critical of you and makes you feel really small. All this criticism can really have an effect on the way that you think about yourself and your overall self esteem.

The good news is that there is always time to turn everything around. Over the past few decades, some of the most brilliant minds in the world have developed techniques than can reliably turn people’s lives around if they apply them in earnest. It’s even possible to finally land your dream job. The best part is that these techniques work nearly every single time as long as they are applied correctly. These experts have been teaching their students these methods for the past several decades, and they have even been surprised themselves by the dramatic improvement in their students’ lives.

For the first time ever, 30 of the foremost experts in the field of self-improvement are scheduled to gather together for a once in a lifetime event to dispense their knowledge for absolutely FREE to anyone who is willing to take the time to listen. This even has been organized by Dream University (www.dreamuniversity.com), an organization which itself has taught many students how to land their dream job in their own lives.

One of the most anticipated speakers at this even is Jack Canfield. You may have heard of him, because he is the creator of the tremendously successful Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, which currently has more than 200 titles in print and has sold more than 12 million copies. More recently, Jack Canfield authored a book called The Success Principles. In this book, Canfield carefully analyzed some of the most successful people of all time to find out what they all had in common. Canfield will talk about many of these these success principles when he talks at the global Dream U. Camp between June 21st – June 26th, 2010.

If there’s one man who knows about rising to success from humble beginnings, it’s Jack Canfield. His own life is a striking example of a true rags to riches story. His early life was truly a tragedy. He grew up in an extremely abusive household. His mother was an alcoholic who would sometimes go on tirades and terrorize her children. Canfield would often try to seek solace in the arms of his father, but he was a workaholic and was largely absent.

When he finally escaped this horrible situation, he was lost and didn’t know what to do with his life. What he did have was a dream: he wanted to write a book that would touch other people’s lives and make them feel better even during tough times. So he got to work on Chicken Soup for the Soul. However, his struggles weren’t over. His book was turned down by an astonishing 144 publishers. Determined not to give up on his dream job, Canfield kept forging ahead. Eventually, one publisher saw the merit in his book, and he was well on his way to success.

There is probably no one who knows about how tough life can be and how sweet success can be when it is finally achieved. If you want to listen to what Jack Canfield can teach you about life’s success principles and landing your dream job – then you should head on over to Dream U. Camp (www.dreamUcamp.com) and register for the FREE teleseminar immediately.