Why Obama Lost My Vote – Obama 2012, "No You Didn't"

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I was a big fan of Barack Obama in 2008, the slogan of “Yes We Can” was one that emotionally charged this country.  I voted for President Obama in 2008 based on his promise that he would change this country in a better direction.  After the debate with Mitt Romney, it seemed clear what Obama has been selling America a bag of goods and that an investgative approach into the “State of Obama’s Tenor” needed to be done, which I present as my reasons I will not be voting for Obama in 2012.   
The Obama administration has been completely ineffective, case in point.  Thirteen million families have lost there home and fallen victim to the largest financial crime in history yet not one senior banking executive has been indicted while President Obama has been in office.  To add insult over injury the Attorney General of The United States, Eric Holder, was found to be in criminal contenpt of court by the United States Congress and has not been fired or resigned. How can we have fiath in our goverment, when it has been clearly bought and paid for by Wall Street.

For 44 straight months the Obama administration has governed a society with more than 8% unemployment. Miraculously, during this late election season, the bureau of labor statistics is reporting that the United States added more than 114,000 jobs in the month of September. This supposedly brings the unemployment rate down to 7.8%. There is no mention of how many people left the job market, or just gave up looking after 44 months of disappointment.

Although President Obama is promoting the importation of undocumented workers into the general United States work force, he has not secured a way for them to gain solid employment. His policies are undermining the efforts of minorities as well. Minority unemployment is higher than it has been in over 35 years.

Since records have been kept, youth unemployment has not seen such high rates as those during President Obama’s term. Sources report youth unemployment, that is workers from 16-25 years of age, as high as 17.1% as of the summer of 2012. Young people are eager to start saving for life, but it is very difficult when no opportunities are available.

Under President Obama, more people have lost their homes due to financial hardships than any other president in history. Even during the Great Depression, as a percentage of the general population, the years between 2008 and 2012 have been the most difficult for American homeowners overall. A whopping 36% in homelessness has occurred.


Poverty rates are a strong overall indicator of economic vitality and public confidence in the current administration. As of the 2010 census, poverty rates are increasing in key areas of the United States by as much as 38% due to policies that are put forth by the Obama administration and its increasingly-distant departments. Poverty rates are a prime factor in determining trends in key areas of the country.


The Obama administration is constantly promoting the idea of recession recovery and a revitalized home and housing market throughout the country. However, as a result of restrictive policies born out of the White House, foreclosures have risen an estimated and appalling 25% since the second Bush term. Even with stimulus programs, American homeownership and retention is fleeting at best.

Economic Growth

According to the United Bureau of Economic Analysis the United States GDP has only grown at a rate of 1.5% over the course of President Obama’s first term in office. This is the slowest growth in American GDP in decades and, as of late 2012, will be eclipsed by the rate of growth of the national debt. United States overall productivity is now in negative territory.

Recovery usually means a marked and notable positive increase in all leading indicators. The Obama administration marks 2009 as the start of the US economic recovery, but the leading indicators have been stagnant for over 24 months. Is the Obama administration trying to convince the United States public of a new, substandard definition of what “recovery” means?

National Debt

When President Obama took office in January of 2009 the United States debt was about 8 trillion dollars. In less than two years, he almost doubled that debt through outrageous stimulus packages and executive orders. The national debt is now about 110% of GDP. Greece’s debt was 160% of GDP when they became insolvent. Does Obama want the United States to be like Greece?

Each year in office, President Obama has authorized unbacked spending that has resulted in an increase in the national debt equaling more than all other presidencies combined. This means, Obama’s first year in office was more expensive (a rate of at least 52% annually) to the US taxpayer and household than the summation of the country’s entire history. And each consecutive year, it has grown worse. By 2016, Obama could make the number “trillion” inadequate.

The United States has always been the most reliable source for currency exchange and commerce for the entire world. Under Obama and his appointed leadership, the world lost confidence in US ability to sustain credit agreements and productivity levels. As a result, borrowing and growth has suffered and many US citizens and businesses have lost economic opportunities.

The United States debt ceiling has usually taken decades to grow beyond standard limits. Under President Obama the debt ceiling has needed to be raised by acts of the legislature at least twice within three and a half years. Each time, it nearly puts the entire country into a default situation. The debt ceiling is now unmanageable and hindering economic growth.

When permanent job records are recorded they usually indicate an increase in the number of long-term, skilled positions. Whether because of improper reporting, the inability of employers to pay living wages, or the fallout from thin government stimulus money; the United States under President Obama is registering more entry level positions than skilled. This means far fewer people are finding work that will last and permit growth, savings and wealth-building.

The general thrust of United States growth permits the creation of work that is full time for most people. President Obama’s policies have completely reversed this tradition. For the first time in US history, less that half of the working population (47%) is considered to be employed full time.

With an increase in productivity and employment comes a general increase in household income. For the first time in United States history, the average American family has lost income annually during the Obama presidency. Some estimates place the decrease at around $3,400 per household. This number is more than disturbing considering the trends of United States inflation.

It is not the sign of a healthy economy when more people are registering for disability benefits than entering the work force. The Obama administrations policies are making it more attractive to be dependent than self-sufficient.

When economies grow, people are on the move. When economies fail, people become despondent and hopeless. 2011 was the first year that there were more deaths from suicide than car accidents in the United States. How could this be? Perhaps it’s from a sense of economic hopelessness.

Unemployment benefits are running out for many people. They have been looking for work for over three years and are giving up. Obama seems to not care that labor workforce participation has dwindled to the lowest rates in two generations.

Although the Obama administration loves to create dependence on government benefits arising from unemployment, many people don’t realize those benefits are finite. So many people have lost benefits under President Obama that over 23 million workers have given up trying to be part of the American workforce.

Food stamps originally were a legitimate safety net for those people that genuinely needed them. The food stamp program has increased over %450 under President Obama and still, the program is insufficient at combating inflationary trends and healthily feeding the public.

Welfare rates have increased %300 in the four past years. Welfare recipients used to register 1 in every 19 people. After one Obama presidential term, the rate is now 1 in 6 people.

Natural gas is immensely abundant in the United States. The country is capable of being completely self-sufficient when it comes to energy production, yet energy rates have skyrocketed over 32% while President Obama has been in office. Why?

When President Obama took office gas prices averaged $1.69 across the United States. As of the fall of 2012, there are consumers on the West Coast now forking-over more than $5.00 per gallon of premium gasoline. Where is the Obama fuels miracle?

While Obama fights for an unattainable ideal of universal health care, his policies are creating uncertainty in the healthcare field which has caused insurance premiums to increase more than %32 in past three years. How is the dismantling of the US healthcare system good for insurance consumers?

Skyrocketing premiums and uncertainty about the future of the American health care system have caused more people to choose a life without the safety net of health insurance. Since President Obama came to power, there has been an increase of more than %15 of American citizens that do not carry health insurance. The largest increase is in children.

President Obama himself has broadcast public announcements that 30% of American youth do not finish high school. As youth leave the education system, the quality of the overall system fails. American kids are dwindling in competitive ability and competency with the rest of the world.

The power and strength of the American military, economy and public resolve has kept its ambassadors and foreign liaisons safe from harm for over 30 years. President Obama has conveyed a sense of vulnerability in American strength, and it has resulted in the death of America’s ambassador to Libya along with several Marines. Under President Obama, our diplomats are no longer safe!

In 2008 I voted for Obama based on his commitment to change, in 2012 I will wake up and vote for Mitt Romney.