Sesame Street's Count von Count Explains Why Obama Will Lose

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Count von Count the Chef Economist of Sesame Street, has entered the political landscape with an endorsement of Mitt Romney for President.  The Count, a long time economist and lovable cast member of Sesame Street responsible for educating our children on simple mathematical concepts, has endorsed Mitt Romney based on the following mathematical logic:

Let’s Count the Ways:

1. The Number 0 is the number of top level Wall Street bank executives who have been charged or      indicted, in the largest financial fraud ever;

2. The number 1.5 is the percentage growth of our economy per year. According to the United Bureau of Economic Analysis the United States Gross Domestic Product grown at a rate of 1.5% over the course of President Obama’s first term in office. This is the slowest growth in American GDP in decades.

3. The number 1.69 was the the national average price of unleaded gasoline per gallon, when Obama took office;

4.  The number 16. is the amount in trillions of dollars (million times a million) of our current national debt.  When President Obama took office in January of 2009 the United States debt was about 8 trillion dollars. In less than two years, the national debt is now at 16 TRILLION DOLLARS;

5.  The number 23  is the amount of Americans in Millions who have stopped looking for work;

6.  The number 32  is the percentage rise in natural gas prices in the United States, in 4 years;

7.  The number 38 is the percentage increase in the US Poverty rates over the last 4 years;

8.  The number 44 is the amount of months in a row, our country has suffered unemployment, at or above 8%;

9.  The number 49 is the percentage of small businesses who are uncertain of their future;

10. The number 76 is the percentage of small business owners, who say the healthcare bill makes it harder to hire more employees;

When asked about cutting a subsidy to PBS for Sesame Street, the Count said as the “Countant” for Sesame Street we brought in more than $96 Million in 2005 due mostly from international licensing. *1 alone.  If you look at cutting our budget, Big Bird will still be living large.  

