Bodyweight Exercises Guru Releases New Bodyweight Exercise Routine “Bodyweight Torch”

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Mike Whitfield, who has lost 105 pounds of bodyfat, recently launched a brand-new bodyweight workout Program branded “Bodyweight Torch” on the absolutely new website

“It’s been 10 years since I started my journey of losing 105 pounds. This bodyweight exercise routine is just my way of sharing what I’ve learned with anyone wanting to lose weight but doesn’t have access to equipment. The body weight exercises are fun and anyone using this bodyweight training program will benefit from it. It’s the perfect combination of metabolic resistance training, metabolic conditioning and metabolic finishers, all with zero equipment. I’ve put together the best bodyweight workouts that I’ve discovered as a trainer through the years as well as some new and unique bodyweight exercises. Many people think that you can’t do a lot with just bodyweight, but the techniques I share in the program puts a new spin on bodyweight strength training.

Using the full body bodyweight workouts inside this new program, anyone will be able to lose weight without lifting a single weight or having to go to crowded gyms. It’s been something I’ve wanted to put together for several months now. Anyone will not only lose weight with these bodyweight fitness workouts, but they will also see an increase in their bodyweight conditioning. Speaking from experience, it’s a big deal when you can go up and down the stairs effortlessly. It will make a difference in everyday activities”, said Whitfield.

Download the free bodyweight exercise routine here at

About Mike Whitfield: Mike Whitfield is a Certified Turbulence Training Instructor and expert in metabolic resistance training, boot camp workouts, and bodyweight exercises.  Mike has lose 105 pounds with this type of workout style and currently trains others on how to duplicate his success on their own.