Innovative Entrepreneurs Pioneer New Era In Apps for Business

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ( — December 31, 2012) Alberta, Canada — App developer, Mobile App Direct, has created a small business marketing platform which capitalises on the power of viral and mobile marketing in a way that, for the first time in history, allows a home-operated or other small company to easily compete with even the most established of brand names in any market. The organisation develops fully customised and user-customisable apps for business owners in such a way as to afford them complete on-going control over their product, providing an astonishing arsenal of tools to reach out to clients.

Last year, the New York Times stated that “mobile marketing is the most powerful media ever invented” and many well-known viral marketing campaigns reflect this fact. Mobile App Direct leverages the potential created by a combination of smartphones and social media in a way which is extremely affordable and user-friendly, even to someone who considers themselves a technophobe.

The director of Mobile App Direct, Stephen Iervella, stated that “we identified the gap in the market some time ago and have since been working tirelessly to ensure that that the customizability is as easy and user-friendly as it is affordable”. Iervella went on to say that “since making our products available to the masses, we’ve already helped small business owners significantly increase their income and, I’m proud to say, have ensured that they’ve seen a considerable return on their investment. This product is the first of its kind and represents a revolution in the accessibility of highly effective mobile marketing for small businesses”.

A Revolution in App Marketing for Businesses

The statistics for the apparently unstoppable upsurge in the mobile marketing sector are newsworthy in their own right. Some of the highlights include the following:

  • While marketing e-mails are routinely labelled as junk, 97% of text messaging apps are read within 5 minutes of receipt
  • Since the incarnation of the app market, over 81 billion apps have been downloaded
  • Just under half (46.1%) of consumers now own a smartphone
  • The percentage of e-commerce dollars spent on smartphone transaction currently sits at 13% of ecommerce as a total, up by 11% from just two years ago in 2010
  • Over Thanksgiving and Black Friday, 24% of consumers browsed a retailer’s websites using a smartphone
  • Around 71% of mobile web traffic was generated through apps
  • Online marketplace, eBay, has capitalised on the power of mobile apps, selling just over $500 million dollars’ worth of goods last year to its 6 million-strong app customer base
  • Approximately 69% of people browsing for a business phone up that same business when they find it on a smartphone
  • Approximately 51% of people looking for a business on their mobile phone visited the location shortly afterwards
  • At the current rate of growth of smartphone popularity, it’s estimated that the number of smartphone owners will raise from the current 1 billion up to 2.1 billion by the year 2016
  • Apps for business is set to grow 1000% in the coming years

To find out more visit


Mobile App Direct
Tel: 1-855-662-4532
Located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada

(Sources include: eMarketer, JupiterOnline, Morgan Stanley, New York Times, Borrell Associates and Mobile Marketer)

Stephen Iervella

