Second Grader's #1 Bestseller Used as Case Study to Coach Amature Authors

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( via –9th January 2013) Chicago, IL–The self publishing industry is booming, having seen a 475% increase in 2012. Such a high number may not be as effective in persuading amature authors to try their hand at self publishing as the revelation that an 8-year old child has successfully written a published a #1 bestselling book on Amazon. The author, Joe Boyer, worked with his father Jay on “The Fart Book” for a single week, then published it and has since been collecting over $1,000 in royalties each month. Jay guided the project using a method he developed himself for the company he co-founded, JJ Fast Publishing LLC. After his son’s remarkable success using his method, Jay is scheduling a free online training seminar entitled “Write and Publish a Children’s Book in 7 Days


The seminar, which will describe the revolutionary children’s book publishing system, has already persuaded thousands of amateurs into becoming Amazon authors. “I wrote my first book 5 minutes after watching the webinar,” customer Joshua Colbert states. “It took me two hours to complete.” Another customer, Patricia Sorenson, states “for anyone who shares a passionate desire to get into this market, do not hesitate to ‘go for it!’”


Ms. Sorenson’s advice is timely, considering that Jay’s methods reportedly required two years of research to compile and develop. As shown in the new free workshop however, it appears as though anyone can find success writing books kids will love in no time at all. Customer Kathy Porter claims, “anyone from a novice to an experienced techie can use the exact, step-by-step formula that they use to self-publish in this exciting, lucrative niche.”


Lucrative may be the key word in this case: self-published children’s  books have provided significant financial windfall for their authors. High school student Rachel Yu is selling her children’s ebooks at $.99 each, and yet is making almost $2500 in sales each month. In these times, a reliable and fulfilling source of passive income is truly a treasure that many people will be likely to try for themselves.


Jay Boyer and his partner, John Rhodes, will be hosting the webinar at 2:00 PM Thursday, January 10 2013. The coaching class is being offered free of charge to anyone who wants to have their publishing dreams come true: follow this link for more information:


J.J. Fast Publishing, LLC is dedicated to helping authors, experts, writers, consultants and entrepreneurs share their unique passions, make more money, and put a dent in the universe. The founders, John S. Rhodes and Jay Boyer, have created over 250 products, published over 120 books, and delivered more than 300 marketing, sales, education and training workshops.