Fit Above 50 Fitness – The Weight Loss Website For Women

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( via — 31, January, 2013) Houston, TX — Fit Above 50, a new fitness and weight loss website by acclaimed fitness trainer Donna Roberts. Roberts is based in Houston TX, where she is a physical fitness trainer and lifestyle coach helping woman of all ages make postive changes in their life, counter negative body image and eating disorders, and have a positive spiritual support system with the help of other women just like themselves. She is a 1995 Ms Georgia Champion, a NASM Elite personal trainer, who is studying as a NASM CES corrective exercise specialist. 

Roberts says the website came about as a result of her experience training ladies who were getting great results but saw that she was only one person and able to only help a small percentage of those who could benefit from her experience and knowledge. “I saw a great need”, Roberts stated. “I started noticing that while our population was growing older, there were more and more people that were having to rely on medications, that were not in good health and that many of these women would be able to get off most if not all, of those medications if they could exercise. Most women think that strength exercises will give them an overly muscular build and therefore don’t want to try it.” Roberts continued. “The Fit Above 50 website shows them that just the opposite is true. Strength training is not about building big, bulging muscles, it’s about losing weight, maximizing your balance and toning up your core as well being able to do those things that they used to do but haven’t been able to in a long time because of what they falsely attributed to old age.” Roberts concluded.

One of the most important aspects of this website is it’s community connect. This part of the program enables the members to connect with others just like themselves, form groups and give and receive encouragement in a safe password protected environment that is restricted to women only. The weight loss exercises that are part of the program are designed by Donna Roberts herself to be designed to be performed at home, office, gym or even in a hotel room while traveling. The client starts out at a base level that accentuates balance and a solid core. Only once this is achieved can the client move on to more advanced workouts.

“This is not just a dieting website”, declared Roberts. “, offers women a place to gain insight, communicate with other women like themselves, get their nutritional needs met as well a obtaining a customized workout” she went on to say. Visit to get more information on what this new way of life is all about. 

About: Donna Roberts has over 18 years of physical training experience and is continuing her education and knowledge on how to safely train adults, especially women. 

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