Keep Your Resolution With Stop Smoking Book

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( — February 1st, 2013) Seattle, WA — How To Stop Smoking Book Reveals A “Top 10 Resolution” You Can Keep.

Every year “Quit Smoking” sits in the “Top 10 New Year’s Resolution List”; a book on, “How To Stop Smoking: Easy, Quick & Simple Stop Smoking Guide,” reveals how anyone can quit.

Because January is past, people shouldn’t lose hope if they made the resolution to quit smoking in 2013. According to the book’s authors, Helen Bronte and R.W. Takeuchi, “smoking cessation is like taking a trip – it starts first with knowing where you want to go and wanting to get there.”

“This guidebook is intended to help you plan and prepare for the important journey ahead and is divided into two distinct phases, ” says R.W. “Phase 1 covers all the important steps towards planning for a successful journey. It starts with picking the right departure date, packing the essentials, and learning about and preparing for the upcoming terrain. Phase 2 takes a look at what to do once you’re there – how to make the most of and celebrating your arrival.”

After Helen relapsed from smoking many times she was introduced to the methods taught in this book. “I thought these strategies might help me cut down. After I put into practice the methods found in this book, I threw out my cigarettes for good! I stopped smoking and have stayed quit for several years,” reports Helen.

“Smokers want to find something that will help them quit smoking and stay quit for good. This is a method that works! It is customizable for any personality, it simply guides a person to smoking cessation,” claims Helen.

How To Stop Smoking: Easy, Quick & Simple Stop Smoking Guide is written with the busy traveler in mind,” R.W. adds. “It is full of quick smoking cessation tips and easy-to-reference guides. We are here to help you prepare for your journey, travel with you through those unexpected turns and celebrate your arrival at your Stop Smoking destination!”

R.W. develops clinical programs including smoking cessation and has more than 18 years of experience in the Social Work field with a license to treat behavioral health conditions.

The book is priced at $ 0.99 for a limited time. How To Stop Smoking: Easy, Quick & Simple Stop Smoking Guide is available on