Panic Away Heals Over 150,000 People's Anxiety and Panic Attacks

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( — March 1st, 2013) New York, NY — Panic and anxiety attacks happen to many people in the modern world with all of the extra stresses that people face each day it is no wonder that this number keeps rising. 40 million people in the U.S. alone will experience some form of an anxiety condition this year. With only 10 percent of those retrieving treatment and only 1 percent receive the proper treatment.

In the medication solves all culture of ours many young adults turn to recreational drugs as a means of coping with their own anxiety, with alcohol being used as the most common of these home remedy cures that people turn to. Those who suffer from anxiety can have extreme panic attacks as well, in some cases so bad that they have actually gone to hospital under the fear that they are having a heart attack.

Anxiety can strike in many different places under the minds impression of pressure, from simple things like standing in the supermarket or on the bus, to more social experiences like party’s where the social pressure can build up to the point of bringing on a panic attack.

Over the last 10 years Barry McDonagh and his program Panic Away has touched over 150,000 lives in 32 countries worldwide. And these range from everyday normal people to even helping celebrities. Phycologists have given it their approval as they have used the panic away system to help many of their own patients who deal with anxiety. The panic away program is developed to help people permanently deal with their anxiety not just how to deal with it once they are already having a panic attack.

Panic Away teaches people to trick their anxious mind out of the way so that their body and mind can begin to relax again. Many people have commented on the massive impact that the program has had on their lives, one person even went so far as to say that after years of dealing with anxiety and panic attacks that only after 3 days of reading the book they were already beginning to feel better.

Panic away offers people all over the world a chance to use their program and free themselves from anxiety by offering a digital and physical version of the program. It is available from their website here with a 25% discount if you buy the physical version of the product.