SXSW 2013 – From Airbnb Entrepreneur to When Ideas Become Reality

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( — February 12, 2013) Milton Keynes, UK — SXSW has become known as a breeding ground for new ideas and creative technologies. A place to preview the latest things that may one day become mainstream in the not to distant future. A real life barometer of what’s to come in some shape or form that will influence the way that we connect and interact with one another.

However, something more important occurs at these events that is often overlooked by the awe and magnitude of the festival itself and of the speakers on stage. For when Brian Chesky for example, shares his vision of Airbnb to the thousands of attendees and the many more that hungrily listen in or read his thoughts, there begins a chain of thought-events that are incalculable to measure, that will one way or another eventually impact our lives in some way.

Each new idea or vision spurns new mutations of those visions and ideas, for no one individual will interpret them in the same way, instead apply one’s own unique interpretation of how a concept or idea may be applied in the real world.

The dissemination of ideas and the ease and speed by which information is shared today via different online and offline channels is what shapes or lives tomorrow.

And none so makes such an impact to our lives as when we wake up one morning and find a video message on our smartphone from our physiotherapist of recommended daily exercises to alleviate the pain of frozen shoulder. Or a message from our local auto-repair centre that their systems are showing an electrical fault with our car’s breaking system with a strong recommendation that we immediately book it in for a quick diagnostic check.

Real change occurs when the rubber hits the road in our physical world. When we articulate, educate and help real brick and mortar businesses with implementing new ideas into better ways of doing things. Because without that communication and dissemination of ideas and how things could be, those ideas simply remain just that, a concept and an idea and our interaction in the physical world never changes.

Dan Hollings, is one such individual whose mission is to education and assist local SME business owners to bridge the gap between the online world and the offline world. He’s a highly sought after internet strategist to celebrities, talk show hosts, New York Times best selling authors, noted teachers, world renowned entrepreneurs and smash hit movies.

And now he’s doing something that he’s not done before. Through a series of web events and webinars, Dan Hollings is talking directly with local business owners, inviting them to get on their smartphones, laptops, their iPads and tablets and listen in on one of his content-packed webinars and learn how to exploit the web for business and increased revenues.

“If you’re business is looking to increase traffic, get more customers, increase revenue or if you want to improve your online reviews and reputation that’s what I’m here to help with” says Hollings.

The SME business marketing web events for 2013 was launched with a bang. If you are a local SME business owner that would like to attend one of Dan Hollings’ web events, there are some limited special invite codes available that gets you free admission.

We’ve secured a limited number of free seats at Dan Hollings’ next webinar SME business marketing for local business.

If you’re interested in learning some online strategies to get more business who better than one of the top marketing experts today, but don’t delay as seats are being occupied fast.


SME Business Marketing Web Events 2013 

Web marketing for SME businesses
Starts: Various dates,