(Newswire.net–May 9, 2013) Jamestown NC – Memory Cross has created an origami tract designed to teach children God’s plan of salvation using Scriptures from Romans. The tract combines God’s salvation message with images that kids can decorate in a unique design that facinates children and adults.
Compared to other tracts for children the design is what makes this card stand out. Each tract is made up of four panels that incorporates a special design which enables the Roman Road plan of savation tract to never stops folding.
Hollie had this to say: “Memory Cross has the most creative tracts that I have ever seen . These are not just little books to read, but interactive and colorful ways to share the truth of Gods’ glorious Word and Kingdom.”
Sandra Vosken says: “Absolutely the coolest thing! What a way to catch someone’s attention and while they are studying how it’s made – the Holy Spirit is quietly working on them! What a wonderful tool!”
They are designed so children can interact with them in several ways. It is a hands on experience that makes learning fun. Memory Cross creates a number of different tracts and Sunday School craft cards. Each tells the plan of salvation or a Bible story. Memory Cross breaks the story into four parts making it easier for children to learn and the unique design makes kids want to play with it over and over again.
Besides Crafts for Sunday School, the Roman Road: Pathway to Life tract has been used on mission trips and at Vacation Bible School. It is available in English and Spanish.
One final comment from Pastor Derek Combs “Our church has experimented with tracts in the past at various children’s outreach events. Most of them get tossed aside and never read.
The one tract that seems to captivate the attention of the kids (and parents) is the Memory Cross card. It is creative, innovative, and most of all biblically sound and gospel-centered. I want Christians to realize the treasure they have in this product for child evangelism. There is nothing better.”
Other cards that have been designed for Sunday School crafts include: 1 Corinthians 13, Noah, Birth of Moses, Creation Story, Jesus raises Jairus’s daughter, Moses and the burning bush, Moses parting of the Red Sea, Parable of the Lost Son, Good Samaritan, Easter story, Thanksgiving, Christmas story, Holy week, Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, Valentine’s day, Runing the race, God frees Peter from prison, Paul survives a bite by a poisonous snake, Communion and Passover card, Jesus Lives, Jesus walks on water, plus blank cards that can be used to tell any Bible story.
About Memory Cross: Memory Cross is committed to sharing the Gospel in a fun and creative way through tracts, Scripture memorization cards, and Bible story cards. It was founded by Pastor Andy Lambert who is a Methodist Pastor in the Western North Carolina United Methodist Church.
Memory Cross Inc.
Sharing the Gospel in a Fun and Creative Way
124-C Wade Street
Jamestown NC 27282
Email: mike@memorycross.com