Amritavarsham50 tree 10 years later Remembered At Amritavarsham 60

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( — September 24, 2013) Kollam Dt, Kerala  

Amritavarsham50 tree         


It stands tall as a testament to the love and devotion under which it was dedicated to world peace some decade ago. The Amritavarsham50 banyan tree was planted at Amma’s Amritapuri Ashram in 2003 and has grown to be some 20 feet tall. The tree was planted as a young sapling as part of the celebrations for Amma’s 50th birthday – otherwise known as Amritavarsham50.


Amritavarsham50: Embracing the World for Peace & Harmony was a four-day international celebration held in September of 2003 that saw Amma’s devotees, well-wishers and dignitaries from around the globe flock to Cochin, Kerala located in South India.


“Amma is known around the world as the embodiment of love and compassion, as the mother to millions,” said Swami Jnanamritananda from MA Math. “Amritavarsham50 was a celebration of Amma’s birthday but it was also held as prayer for world peace and world unity.”


As part of the festivities for world peace and unity, a sacred banyan tree sapling was given water that had been sourced from sacred rivers from all around the planet. The banyan tree is significant in its symbolism for unity as it has many roots growing in support of the branches. After some time, it becomes difficult to distinguish between what are the roots and what are the branches as they become one in support of each other.


Dressed in their traditional dress of their countries, representatives of the 191 United Nations member countries, as well as Tibet and the Native American nation carried their water in a procession, pouring it in to a communal pot that was to be used to water the sapling. Amma then poured the final container in to the confluence—waters drawn from the sacred Ganges.


“It was with the help of the President of India and the Chief Minister of Kerala that Amma poured a pitcher of the merged waters on to the banyan sapling,” Swami Jnanamritananda said. “The sapling was later transported to Amma’s Amritapuri Ashram where it was planted by children from all around the world.”


On UN International World Peace Day on September 21, 2004 Amma garlanded the growing sapling. The ceremony commenced with Amma lighting an oil lamp at the sapling’s side. She then reverently walked around its base three times and showered flower petals in all four directions before carefully laying a garland around its base. Finally, Amma lovingly poured water on the tree, offering a long prostration before blessing the sapling once again with flower petals.


The tree survived the onslaught of the waters from the Indian Ocean Earthquake of December 26, 2004. May the tree’s endurance be an example to humanity in our quest for world peace and unity.


Mata Amrithanandamayi Math

Amritapuri P.O.
Kollam Dt,Kerala 690 525

+91 (476) 289 5888, +91 (476) 289 6399