Peace In Middle East Now In Clear Sight

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( — October 1, 2013) Sugar Land, TX September 2013 will be written in history as most peace advocacy month in current history of the world. Here are some of the important parameters and facts that happened:


 – An imminent invasion of Syria was reversed

 – Russia started playing the ball

 – The US policy has given larger importance to solution of Palestinian issue, even at the risk of slightly alienating Israel

 -Iran has new president Hasan Rouhani who has changed the atmosphere from an impending Israeli strike on Iran to the same Iran’s president and the US president talking on phone after 30+ years of breaking the diplomatic relations


This is a huge vast change, almost a game changer from the point of view of bringing peace on earth. Super powers, the US and Russia are now working together to this end. It seems prudence has prevailed. It is clear that every leader who has influence on the future of the world peace, but was beating war drums because of his conviction or simply political posturing, human rights or geopolitical benefits, definitely do not wish to have war if that can be avoided. War brings destruction, peace brings prosperity is the truth that is now a common denominator in everyone’s mind. This is very promising indeed.


The US secretary of State Kerry and Iranian Foreign minister Javad Zarif’s meeting onThursday Sept 26th  at United Nations followed by telephonic conversation between President Barak Obama and Iranian President Rouhani before he left New York, despite they would not meet and shake hands, is a real big deal. It is no less an achievement than what Nixon did with China in 1970s. This surely shows indications of possible peace in the Middle East region and hopefully for the whole planet.


We surely should not be complacent. In the same September 2013 we have also seen the acts of Somalian based Al Shabaab, not very different than Al Qaeda, attacking and mercilessly killing large number of innocent citizens from several countries of the world shopping in a mall in Nairobi, Kenya. We also have witnessed intra-country sectarian killings in Iraq and Pakistan. Also on world stage the Islamic countries mired into the sectarian tug of war is an issue with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on one side and Iran on the other with their allies.


But then there are signs of the fact that those who are decision makers are using more of common sense and pragmatism. We see several examples of this all around the world:


 -Syria has agreed to destroy their chemical weapons and that will be discussed with in few days; Syria was about to be invaded when Russia brought a new turn in situation

 -Rhetoric of Israel has softened and Palestine and Israel are going to sit on the negotiation table very soon

 -Pakistani and Indian Prime ministers have acquired softer tone on their issues

 -Somalian president has almost begged the West to intervene before the Al Shabaab becomes a giant menace; just the opposite of what we saw in Afghanistan after 9/11

 -North Korea is quieter after a run of hot headed talks

 -Russia and the US have joined hands in bringing some most important situations to be addressed with mutual trust and respect

 -The US will completely come out of Afghanistan in 2014

 -Within less than 90 days of removal of Mohammed Morsi from presidential office calm has returned in Egypt and new constitution is underway

 -Tunisia has settled

 -Libya is settling down


The new emerging situation brings us many good signs and seem to be good omen for the harmony and peace. Since the inception of United Nations, the Organization (UNO) has played a very urgent, consequential and important role in reversing the march to destruction by invasions and war and put the same march on the track of peace and harmony. This is what UNO came into existence after WWII.


In all these expectant changes around the world, President Barak Obama is coming out as Hero. He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize, now he has earned it. All the above positive changes have occurred within five years of his presidency, although some of the things that he wanted to do have not happened. He is mired in partisan politics at home and is facing the shut down of the Federal US government by midnight Monday the 30th Sept. and is casting risk to his signature achievement of Affordable Care Act, very aptly called “Obama Care” (more correctly it should be called Obama Cares) he is spending all his abilities, political capital, diplomatic acumen and pragmatism in organizing world peace. He deserved Nobel Peace Prize then and he deserves it all the more now. Hurray for him.