Effectively Handle Diabetes

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(Newswire.net October 5, 2013) Los Angeles, CA — Diabetes is when the human body does not function properly because of the way the body handles the energy released by the foods that were eaten. The reasons behind this fall into two categories sometimes referred to as Type 1 and Type 2. The reasons for these reactions vary, even among those with the same type.


Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin dependent or juvenile onset diabetes. There are some people that are born with it. Others develop it during childhood. It is called insulin dependent because the body makes absolutely or very little insulin. Thus these people are dependent on an outside insulin source. These are usually administered by shots. There is evidence that sometimes Type 1 diabetes is caused when the body’s immune system goes haywire and begins attacking the pancreas as if it were a foreign invader. If caught early it is believed that strengthening and re-educating the immune system may stop the process and keep the person from needing insulin. This would include avoiding gluten, casein, and processed sugars at all costs. Eating a diet filled with whole, natural foods, drinking filtered water.


Type 2 diabetes usually occurs later in life. These people are considered insulin resistant. Their bodies still make insulin, but the cells no longer respond correctly to it. Insulin is meant to open up the cells and allow the energy (called blood sugar) in the blood to feed the cells and allow them to do their work. In the case of type 2 diabetes the cell can actually starve while the food delivery is just on the other side of the cell. There are some drugs that promise to re-open those doors. In some cases it seems like they break down those doors, causing further problems. Over time the cells quit listening to the drugs as well, so stronger drugs are needed to do the same thing.


Eventually these people will need to turn to insulin. Insulin therapy was associated with an increased risk of diabetes-related complications, cancer, and all-cause mortality. Controlling your blood sugar too tightly can lead to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemic incidents can be dangerous if left untreated. Anyone taking blood sugar medication should watch out for the signs, which include blurred vision, confusion, fainting, heart palpitations and jitteriness. Hypoglycemia has been linked to elevated rates of dementia among diabetes patients.


Sugary drinks have long been linked with diabetes. These include the carbonated beverages we call soda or pop as well as the ones labeled juice. Drinking just one can of sugar-laced soda drink a day increases the risk of developing diabetes by more than a fifth.  People who drink at least one can of diet soda a day have a 67 percent increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to people who drink no soda at all. But, don’t turn to the artificial sweeteners.  “Zero-calorie” chemical sodas were also linked to significantly increasing the risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome; a classification of risk factors linked to obesity that increase a person’s risk of developing not only diabetes and stroke but also heart disease.


Along with sugars a diabetic needs to cut out grains and Omega 6 fatty acids. There are foods that are healthier than others if there is a risk for diabetes. They include foods that are high in quercetin such as apples, citrus fruits, onions, parsley, sage, green tea, and red wine, Olive oil, grapes, dark cherries, and dark berries. Cinnamon is a powerful blood sugar stabilizer. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli are helpful because they protect blood vessels against cellular damage. Vitamin C, chromium, fiber, beta-carotene, and many other nutrients found in broccoli help protect against free radical damage, high blood sugar, and high levels of low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, cholesterol, all of which are linked to diabetes.


There seems to be a link between thiamine deficiency and diabetes. Which is the cause and which is the effect is still under investigation. Eating thiamine rich foods such as organ meats, eggs and nuts or taking a thiamine supplement seems to reduce the effects or symptoms of diabetes. Another supplement showing promise in this area is CoQ10.


Low levels of vitamin D increase your risk for developing diabetes and related medical conditions such as heart disease, research has shown. Sunlight is the best form of Vitamin D. If you live in a climate that doesn’t get a lot of sun, are super sensitive to sun burn, or work indoors for long hours you would probably benefits from supplementation. You blood levels of Vitamin D can be tested.


Another key factor is to make sure you get plenty of water. A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight in pounds by two. This gives you the number of ounces of water to strive for each day. If you sweat profusely you need more. In addition you need to eat right, get enough sleep, exercise regularly and keep an eye on your stress levels.


Source: http://www.enrichgifts.com/How-to-deal-with-diabetes-s/813.htm

