CDMaker Publishes online CD and DVD Catalog

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( — October 6, 2013) Austin, TX — CDMaker announces publication of its online catalog of the most popular purchased CD & DVD packages. Copies are made available by email upon request through their website.


While CD production has decreased from the major record labels and major film studios, independent artists and publishers who rely on physical product sales continue to rely on being able to have copies of their releases produced in a professional manner to justify the highest dollar amount in sales to the general public.


I asked why in this day and age they were releasing a catalog when they hadn’t done so previously.


“Better late than never, right?” laughed Carolyn Holzman, CDMaker owner and founder. “I have always believed in the one on one aspect of doing business and sometimes a catalog can be substituted for the time of going on the phone. This will just help us to be able to be more to the consumer who is checking to make sure we can do what they need.”


CDMaker has been in business since 1988 and in that time they have watched the average consumer becomes more knowledgeable concerning producing content.


“We are targeting not just the musician but the independent publisher who wants to self-publish their book or video and create a higher perceived value so they can create a higher revenue from it,” continued Holzman.


The catalog includes pricing for duplication as well as manufacturing and allows for a quick comparison of various packaging options and shows how the price changes if more of a particular package are purchased. Additionally, customer reviews are sprinkled throughout.


 Those interested in receiving the latest copy can request it from CDMaker via their website.




13581 Pond Springs Road, Suite 301
Austin, TX 78729

(512) 388-1998