Talor Zamir Explains How Businesses Can Benefit From Google AdWords

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(Newswire.net — October 30, 2013) Las Vegas, Nevada — Internet marketing has exploded in recent years with companies like Google and their Adwords platform leading the way. The internet has become the easiest way for a business to reach out to customers, inform them of what their goods and services are, and make a sale. Because of Adwords, smaller, local businesses are getting noticed and seeing huge increases in their day to day business. “I know dozens and dozens of businesses that have created multi million dollar businesses just out of Google alone, Google and a couple simple landing pages. It’s really quite amazing!” says Talor Zamir, a Google Adwords expert. Talor has built a successful business helping local business and attorneys maximize their potential through internet marketing.


Talor says that a lot of businesses make the mistake of advertising in traditional formats like television commercials, billboards, and newspapers. “ If someone is looking for a personal injury attorney in Dallas,” says Talor, “if they’re searching on Google for that search term, they’re probably looking to hire a personal injury attorney in Dallas that week.” People using Google to search for a product or service are usually much further along in the decision making process than they would be through traditional interruption advertising.


Other online search engines are starting to enter the marketplace to capitalize on this increase in ad revenue traffic. “With Bing and Yahoo search engines,” says Talor, “they’re pretty much trying to copy the Google Adwords platform. Depending on the niche, if you advertise on Bing or Yahoo, you’re probably only getting about 15 to 20 percent of the search volume that you’d normally get from Google.” Talor says that the kind of return rates are dependent on the business niche and the market they’re in.


“What I love about Google,” says Talor, “is that you can test your advertising on a relatively small budget.” Traditional advertising sources such as TV ads and Billboards can be very expensive. “As a business you can say I’m going to spend $100 a day for 5 days, and for $500 you can stop and see at the end of that week how many clicks you got, which keywords were bringing people in.” Making adjustments to making the ad campaign more effective are far easier than pulling an ad from a newspaper or making changes to a radio or TV spot. Through Adwords, you have the ability to determine when the ad runs, in what market, and it allows you to make changes quickly to ensure the ad campaign is a success.


Helping a business create an effective Adwords campaign can lead to a healthy income for internet marketers. “ Specifically right now, my focus is on attorneys, just because I feel like they have a huge upside potential,” says Talor, “an attorney can operate in multiple different areas of the law, so there’s very high upside potential and very high room for growth.” Talor says that by opening up the growth potential for your clients to expand beyond what they were originally doing with their business, you create more business for yourself as a marketer to be able to advertise this expansion.


Google Adwords has completely changed the advertising landscape. “Years ago,with direct mail,” says Talor, “you’d have to buy a list of targeted prospects. you’d have to create a direct mail campaign, you’d probably have to spend, you know, you’re going to be a few thousand dollars into it, and then you’re going to send out this campaign and then it’s going to be a few weeks or months for you to even for all the calls to come in and for you to track the results.” Since it doesn’t look like Google is going anywhere anytime soon, Talor Zamir predicts that Adwords will remain the dominant source of advertising for local businesses. Every business could benefit from a properly formatted ad campaign to help them grow their business and increase their long-term profitability.



Talor Zamir

Google AdWords Expert
