Major Media Bias Against Omega 3 Supplements

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( — November 6, 2013) Portland, OR — However, it is apparent that the mainstream media is very interested in undermining your confidence in natural remedies.


News outlets have been “spokesmen” for years now and the FDA would like nothing more than to complete control over your access to natural supplements.

Based on a single, flawed study, multiple news organizations rushed to be the first to condemn fish oil supplements as dangerous, even deadly. They even went so far as to suggest that men shouldn’t eat fish because it might put them at risk of the deadliest kind of prostate cancer.

The case against omega-3s is about as flimsy a case as you can get.

Researchers took a single blood test each from 834 men and measured blood plasma levels of omega-3 fatty acids which was followed up six and nine years later to determine prostate cancer rates.

Here are several problems that exist with this study design:


They did a single blood test. One! Omega-3 levels fluctuate rapidly based on what you eat and what supplements you’re taking. One blood test now cannot possibly be linked to any health outcomes six years later with certainty.

The difference between the high and low levels in this test was .18%. Not even a quarter of one percent! That’s statistically trivial. A single serving of fish the night before could account for that difference. Do these researchers really mean to suggest that eating fish tonight could almost double your risk of prostate cancer nine years down the road? We’d better outlaw fish!

The researchers did not take into account the source of omega-3s in their subjects. They blame fish oil supplements and fish consumption, but did not determine if the subjects were actually taking fish oil supplements or eating fish.


Here is what better-designed studies have to say about omega-3s:


Omega-3s are proven to reduce heart disease risks – they work to prevent arrhythmias, lower inflammation, and improve the flexibility of the interior lining of your blood vessels.
Omega-3s are associated with reducing the risk factors and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. They lower amyloid-B levels and improve cognitive function.
Although it’s not well-understood why, omega-3 fatty acids help reduce joint stiffness in people suffering from arthritis.
Multiple studies have shown that those people who have the highest omega-3 intake have a much lower risk of depression, especially women.


In short, getting enough omega-3 essential fatty acid helps lower your risks of a number of diseases, especially heart disease, which is the number one killer of both men and women in the United States.

When it comes to getting enough omega-3s, dietary sources are always best. Aim to eat cold-water fish, like salmon, at least once a week. A supplement can be helpful for filling in the gaps. Fish oil supplements and cod liver oil supplements are both good options. Even better is to add flax seed to your daily diet.

Under Obamacare, the government will have even more control over your access to doctors and medicine, and this probably won’t be the last media hit job on beneficial supplements like omega-3s. In the coming months and years, it’s more critical than ever that you question everything that comes out of the government and the media, especially when your health is concerned.

You should begin to add multivitamins and omega-3 supplements to your daily regimine and stock up on any supplements that help you address your individual health needs.


Under Obamacare, your access to these supplements may soon become scarce. Google+


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