Gestational Diabetes on the Rise

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( — November 22, 2013) Miami, Florida — According to the American Diabetes Association, the number of women diagnosed with gestational diabetes is increasing in the U. S. Experts also estimate that the condition are likely to occur in up to 18% of all pregnancies. They also agree that this kind of diabetes may not just be a problem during pregnancy; but can cause lifetime complications in both mothers and their children.


Gestational diabetes is a medical condition during pregnancy, where the mother’s blood sugar levels rise. This condition can be genetic and some ethnic groups are more prone to have it – American Indian, African American, Asian, and Hispanic. Also, women over the age of 25, particularly those over 35, are at higher risk.

Studies show that 50% of women who have gestational diabetes have no other risk factors. Experts also deem that lifestyle is the most important factor in developing such condition.    

“More women are going into pregnancy overweight,” said Dr. Danine Fruge, director of women’s health and family medicine at the Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa in Miami.

Diabetes Care Journal also concluded that pregnant women who are overweight or obese have two to four times higher chances of having gestational diabetes than a woman at a normal weight. Smoking mothers also have twice the higher chance of developing gestational diabetes.

Although gestational diabetes goes away after giving birth, it can cause lifelong complications in both moms and their babies.

Women who developed gestational diabetes are at high risk for high blood pressure, Type II diabetes and heart disease.

“You are not out of the woods just because you’re not pregnant anymore,” Fruge said.  

The baby may likewise develop high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, and is more likely to be overweight later on in life.


The good news is, gestational diabetes can be prevented. Experts suggest women who plan to get pregnant should lose weight before conceiving.  They also recommend to regularly monitor your blood sugar levels, exercise and to eat healthy.

For more information about having a healthy pregnancy you can check out Fit and Healthy Pregnancy. Learn how to attain holistic health for moms and their babies.

Author: Tania Shipman

