How to Lose Weight in a Week With Intermittent Fasting Diet Plans

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( — November 22, 2013)  Boston, MA — Nearly all claims of diets that promise one week weight loss will leave dieters on a painful rebound where they gain the fat back immediately.  However, not all diets that promise fast weight loss are designed to crash and burn.  In a new video from Health Nutrition News they explain how to lose weight in a week and keep it off with an innovative diet plan that is sweeping the nation known as intermittent fasting.  To some it may be known as feasting and fasting since most foods are still enjoyed on this plan.


People seeking to lose weight can boost their fat loss while improving their overall health with an intermittent fasting diet plan.  The main benefit of intermittent fasting diets is how it amplifies fat burning hormones in the body, elevating them to much higher levels than normal through simply eating in a specific time frame during the day.  A popular intermittent fasting protocol known as 16/8 was even used by Hugh Jackman to get in shape for Wolverine.  The “16/8” protocol is a simply fasting for 16 hours and then taking in all meals during an 8 hour window.


There are incredible health benefits that go along with the intermittent fasting lifestyle.  Some of these health benefits include decreased risk of diseases, a marked improvement in immunity, along with additional longevity and anti-aging benefits.


In addition to weight loss and health benefits is the pure simplicity of intermittent fasting.  There are no complicated menus or recipes that need to be followed in order to high the highest success.  Health Nutrition News currently recommends a free guide on intermittent fasting that anyone can use to get started right away.  This free intermittent fasting diet plan is available at and it includes the complete diet plan along with recommended meals and “cheat sheets” to make it even easier.